Chapter 10

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"Ok girls, let's take it from the top", said Twilight full of confidence.

"Ugh, we sang it like 15 times already, can't we get a break", said Rainbow Dash full of exhaustion.

"I got to agree with Rainbow Dash, we have been singing for the past 20 minutes", agreed Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh OK, I guess we could take 5 minutes", said Twilight.

"NO, 10 minutes", said Pinkie Pie.

"20", said Rainbow Dash.

"10!" said Pinkie.

"20!!" said Rainbow

"10!!!", yelled Pinkie.

"20!!!", yelled Rainbow.

"15, we'll take 15 minutes!", exclaimed Rarity.

"Thank you Rarity", said Twilight.

"Oh, I only said that so I could have more time modeling my new dress", said Rarity.

"Gee, at least say "your welcome" to Twilight", said Applejack.

"Well I'm sorry Applejack for trying to have time for myself", said Rarity.

"Well have some manners for a chance", argued Applejack.

"Oh, I was born with manners. You on the other hand was born with no fashion sense", argued Rarity.

Applejack was starting to get angry from Rarity's comments.

"Oh yeah, well you're born with a damaged brain full of fashion, not smartness", said Applejack.

"Are you calling me "dumb", said Rarity shocked.

"Maybe I am", said Applejack.

"Guys, STOP!", yelled Sunset.

"You're fighting over nonsense, let's just take a 15 minute break ok", said Sunset.

"Yeah, you guys are acting like kindergarteners", said Spike.

Everyone gave Spike a mean look.

"Just saying the truth", said Spike.

"Guys, we can't show our attitude like this to our school, we have to show greatness and positivity", said Twilight.

"Twilight's right. We can't argue over little things to each other", said Sunset.

"We're so sorry, we're working on our act towards each other. We have been arguing more since Twilight came here from Equestria. We now know that arguing isn't going to take us nowhere to freedom", said Fluttershy.

"You're mighty right Fluttershy, when arguing with each other, there's no way we could help our school to freedom", said Applejack.

"Yeah, we're acting like the other girls", said Rainbow Dash

"Dashie's right. We're crazy in a good way, not crazy in a mean way", said Pinkie Pie.

"You mean, you're not crazy in the mean way", said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah. Wait a minute, HEY!", said Pinkie.

"Rainbow, leave Pinkie alone", said Rarity.

"Yes, you should never hurt any of your friends feelings", said Fluttershy.

"I didn't hurt her feelings, everyone knows Pinkie Pie acts like a crazy maniac", said Rainbow Dash.

"That may be true. BUT I STILL HAVE FEELINGS!", said Pinkie Pie.

"Ya'll need to stop it. If ya'll don't keep quiet, I'm gonna act crazy, ya here?", said Applejack.

"Ooh, Applejack was about to turn it down", said Spike.

"Guys, we need to stop. Now get to your places, if we're gonna save our school, we need to practice practice practice", said Twilight seriously and confidently.

"Gee, and here I thought Rarity was the bossy one of the group", said Rainbow Dash.

Rarity gave Rainbow Dash a mean look

"Rainbow, stop. Let's get this over with so we can be done for the day, without fighting", said Sunset Shimmer.

"You're lucky Sunset broke the argument", said Rarity in her head.

"1,2", counted down Pinkie Pie.

The girls were starting the song once again. Here's the lyrics.

Verse 1: "We just got the day, to get ready, and there's only so much time to lose, because tonight, yeah we're here to be scared, so let's think of something spooky to do."

Verse 2: "We don't know (We don't know) what's gonna happen. We just know (we just know) it's gonna be scary cool. All our friends are here, and it's time to have fun fun, and run run"

Chorus: "Scream out loud cause this is gonna be a Spooktacular night (SCREAM OUT LOUD, SCREAM OUT LOUD) Scream out loud cause this is gonna be a Spooktacular Night (SCREAM OUT LOUD, SCREAM OUT LOUD)"

RD - So what you might've been afraid the first time

PP- Scream it off, no one said it is a crime

R- Do your thing, you know you're trying to look your best

AJ- You're ideas are so scary that they passed the "Freaky" Test

Ahhhhh, Boo

*Repeat Only Verse 1, 2 and Chorus*

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