Chapter 1

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Legit while writing this I'm watching the Gabbie Show and Liza Koshy...soooo yeah, and Toyko ghoul and Im dying oh my gosh oh my gosh my baby  Juurzou   :( :) Also O MG this story has 191 reads! i know its not much but i seriously only thought like 20 or 15 people would read this so thanks to everyone!!

"Gray! Gray please

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"Gray! Gray please." My head is pulsing on the right side, I can hear the desperateness in Reins muffled  voice. After a couple seconds of confusion I have a regretful wave of remembrance. I could still hear the two shots their sound was forever burned into my memory.
  I pry my eyes open only to be assaulted with dry air that made my eyes burn. Blinking a couple times I look around, I see the glowing white padded walls I look down and see my torso covered in a straight jacket, my arms pulled back behind me.  My wrists are covered in thick metal cuffs wrapped around them with chains pulling me back to the wall.

I look back up, front of the room is a mirror with a gray metal door in the center, its only a couple feet in front of my feet. I look at myself in the mirror my dark chest length hair is knotted and ratty,  there's dried blood in some of the hair in the front and on my forehead. My face is paler than usual and my eyes are white and black, but still not light and glowing. My head is  pounding but I try and stand, it proves a great deal of difficulty, as my knees are cramped and and not strong.

    Once I get standing I try to walk to the front of the room, but my chains stop me from even being close. I strain my head forward to look out the small window in the metal door.

"Rein! Rein I'm here!" I call out. His head pops up from  the other door across the barron hallway from me. His eyes are bright red, bruised around one. He smiles a dorky smile that reaches his eyes. It makes me smiles too, then his emotion turn to fear.

"We have to get out of here!"  He yells I nod too tired to yell back to him. Suddenly I hear a scatter down the hall, and someone enters Reins room, I see the fear in Rein's eyes and I find energy to scream.

"Rein no!" My half hearted tell goes unnoticed, "Rein!" I scream out pulling on the chains. A face blocks my door window, and I stop suddenly. They enters the room at an angle because of his muscles, He keeps eye contact with me with the whole time. He stalks  to me and grabs my face in one hand, he slowly lifts me till I'm on my toes. I couldn't cry out in pain so I clenched my jaw.

"What are you ?" He says disgusted

"Human."I struggle to say.

"We both know your not."

"Do we?"

I feel his hand tighten on me, he continues to ask me questions, but I refuse to answer, I just stare into his eyes. Soon he starts to beat me senseless and my eyes are crying but I try not to make a sound. I cover my face with my hands and curl into a ball.With one last hit to the head everything goes black.

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Word Count: 581

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