Chapter 12

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"She's fourteen, look at her hair, it's a fourteen year olds hair!" I exclaim from the rooftop. Peter had brought me up to the roof after classes, it was peaceful and nice, the breeze cooled us down from the hot rays of the sun.

We sat hanging over the edge watching the students guessing their ages, we were both stuck on one girl unable to guess her age.

"Don't tell me you haven't seen someone eighteen with those shoes, she's clearly eighteen!" Peter blurted, nudging me with his elbow.

"Her face! Look at her face! Plus she's reading! Any eighteen year old wouldn't be reading they'd be causing ruckus! " I roared nudging him back.

Soon our nudges turned into playful shoves, our shoves turned in to wrestling, and before I knew it we were rolling around on the roof. The dirt clung to our clothes and our body's soon started to sweat.

When we both eventually wore down I had lost, I was pinned down, my wrist by my face, and Peter straddling my waist. Our heavy breathes filled the air, it was calm and peaceful.

Peter, who was out of breathe laid his forehead on mine. We both laid there, foreheads connected, trying to catch out breathes.

After about a minute he sighed and flipped over, laying on his back next to me. The cool air felt amazing against my burning skin, the sun was setting and the sky held a various amount of blue.

His arm brushed against mine, the warmth of his body made me shiver. His fingers grazed against my hand, then came back and played with my fingers. He eventually slipped his hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze, to which I gave one back.

I moved my head so it lay on his shoulder, his head lay on mine. Our breathes calmed along side our pulse.
His hand fit mine perfect, there was no conflict on where our fingers felt right, because they felt right only next to each other's.

We lay there staring at the sky, watching it get gradually darker.  The silence wasn't awkward it was comforting.

Eventually the sky got dark enough for us to both realize we needed to get back, although I was tempted to just stay here through the night.

Peter got up first, pulling me along.
My legs were tired as was my body, I didn't know if he could tell, but he picked me up anyway.  He carried me, bridal style, off the rooftop.  My head lay on his chest above his heart, it's Rhythmic beating calming me down, almost sending me to sleep.

When we got to my door he set me down, my legs wobbled a bit, he quickly grabbed my waist and stilled me.

"Thank you...Peter." I said barely louder than a whisper. His hand caressed my check, it was soft and smooth against my skin.

His hand moved to my neck his thumb over my chin, he slowly brought his other hand up and brought it to the other side of my face.

His lips were soft and warm, they gave me a feeling of satisfaction and warmth.  They moved against mine smoothly like two gears that fit perfectly. All too soon he pulled away, too soon the warmth was taken away from my lips. Too soon again I felt cold.

"Goodnight my love." Peter said giving me a soft and meaning full kiss on the  cheek. He was gone in an instant, I could tell her ran. It was bittersweet, is of course be able to see him omg he morning, but it was so far away and the night would be all too lonely.

I opened the door regardless, quickly changing and putting my hair up I fell asleep. Of course to only dream about him.

Sorry for the short chapter, I haven't been writing much and when I do I have no clue what to write about. But again please remember to vote and comment, everything is appreciated.

Word Count: 673

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