Chapter 11

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"And then it was like PoW and BoOm and sizzle and then kabwa!" I attempt to explain what happened as we drive back to the Manor from the mall.
Jean laughs from the driver seat right beside me, "So what do you think you power is?" She looks at me for a second before turning her eyes back on the road.

"I'm not sure," I sigh,  " For a couple seconds I could see inside the sentinel. I could see the wires and where I needed to go to save me." I say the wind whipping  my hair around my face.  

"How'd you make the head explode?" She asked turning down the radio and pulling into a marvelous and giant garage to park the car Charles gave us.

" I jut kept staring at it and imagining it  Exploding and burning, it stared shaking and I kept going till finally it did" I reply simply, grabbing bags from the trunk.

" I feel like those are you powers, being able to see things to save your self in a time of need, and being able to do... things to the stuff you see." She said closing the trunk. We turn to walking in the doors, and head to our room.

"That would be amazing if they were, is there a definite way to find out?" I ask as we walk down the halls, I hoped we didn't have to do something like we did in the morning.

" We can probably just practice with items in our room." Jean said a jump in her voice, I could tell she was happy from her bouncing walk.

She attempted in opening the door, the bags she carried weighing her arms down.
"Do I find these lovely ladies is a state of distress?" Peter voiced stepping in front of the struggling Jean, he swiftly opened the door.

"Thank you Peter!" She called from inside the room, setting the bags down.

I follow quickly behind her giving a nod of appreciation to Peter, "What are you doing here?" I ask, sure that he had plans over the weekend.

"Well I was hanging out with Kurt, Warren, and Scott, buuuut I couldn't help but hear a couple of damsels in distress. So I came running." He gave me a little wink to go along with the smirk on his lips.

"Well Peter, Gray and I were going to practice her abilities, if you wanted to join, you know, for moral support? Or you can go back and hang with the boys." Jean asked, clearly some what wanting him to stay.

Peter looked at me with his mischief filled eyes, "I'll stay and help out, if  m'lady doesn't mind?"  I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course you can stay, if anything you'd help."  I answered, sitting on the bed. He smiled at me closing the door, Jean emptied a glass of pens and placed it on a table.

"I know in training you started with something big, but I find it best to start with something small, especially  with powers like yours. "  Jean suggested, I nodded stepping forward, "try picking it up moving it to the left slowly and placing it back down."

I nodded looking at the glass, remembering what I did to the Sentinel I tried to copy my motions.  Imaging the glass coming up I could hear the wobbling  as the glass slowly left the table.

"Hey, basically half way there just go the left." Peter encouraged.

Keeping my concentration, and wanting to do this seemingly easy task quickly, I moved my eyes to the left.
The glass exceeded my directions and slammed against the wall with much force.

I ducked my head protecting my face with my arms, I quickly felt arms around me, holding me. I knew it was Peter.

After what felt like an eternity Peters arms left my body, I looked over at Jean who was  holding the glass mid air with her mind. She quickly put it all in the trash. 

I looked at Peter, who seemed to be searching my face for any sign that I was hurt. Once he was satisfied that I wasn't he took a step back.

"I'm sorry, I was... excited." I mumble, embarrassed.

" No it's my fault I shouldn't have used glass, " Jean said going to the bookshelf grabbing a plastic cup. "But we can o lot improve from here, so let's try again."

Peters hand rubbed my back, trying to make me feel better. I must say, it was working, but quickly his hand left my back and he went back to the bed sitting on it.


After a couple hours of practicing I could move the cup around the room, I had gotten the sense of how to direct it.

"You know what we should do?" Peter announced, laying on the bed.

"Practice some more?" Answered Jean, telling me what to do with the cup.

"No, eat!" Peter's voice came out muffle as he had put his face in the pillow.

I looked up at Jean, eyes big, making it known that I wanted to eat to. She sighed at the both of us, then nodded her head. "Okay fine, but after school we do this again."

"Yayyy!!! Fooooooooddd!!" I shouted in joy, Peter had gotten up quickly and already headed to the door. I ran to beat him, "Hey! Ladies first!" I said as I shoved by him out the door. I could hear him laugh as I run down the hall.

In an instance Peter was besides me jogging, I looked at him and he gave me a grin.

Suddenly I was on the ground looking at the ceiling, there was a pain in my head.  Peter had his hands on his knees and was laughing. I sat up and realized I ran into the wall, I felt me cheeks get hot.

I realized it was isle time to beat him to the dinning hall, I quickly got up and started running,  quickly I was at the doors of the hall and Peter hadn't passed me yet. Feeling proud at my victory I walked in, only to find Peter smugly eating a stew at a table. He looked up at me and gave me a smile then beckoned me to sit.

I sat down and he shoved a bowl my way. "Never try me in a race of speed, I'll always win."  He said in between bites of food, Jean walked in a second later, sitting next to me.

"Guessing Peter won?" She asked, I only grunted as the both of them laughed.

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Word Count: 1108

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