Chapter 3

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I haven't moved, ate, or really done anything. I'm either laying, staring at myself in the mirror or sleeping. The pain is always getting worse, the endless thoughts of suicide to be with them again is overwhelming. I feel dead. I am dead.

My body hurts, it hurts to breath, think, move. I don't talk anymore, I just let what happens happen. I don't care because it doesn't matter, and it won't ever. My arms hurt from being stuck in the straight jacket. I just want to them think I'm weak and finish me off.

I've realized my eyes are grey now, and Iv'e lost my power along with the chaning, Im useless I hate them, I wish I didn't have any eyes, or at least they were pretty

I heard a knock on the door, as a man walked in, he sat in front of me legs crossed, his white clothes hurt my eyes, you could still see the faint stains of blood, and possibly coffee

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I heard a knock on the door, as a man walked in, he sat in front of me legs crossed, his white clothes hurt my eyes, you could still see the faint stains of blood, and possibly coffee.

He didn't say anything but pulled an empty syringe out of his pocket, my mouth went dry this has been a daily thing, someone coming in and taking my blood, I was to weak to resist, and too exhausted to even talk to him, I haven't said anything in a week.
He moved closer to me and softly grabbed my arm and turned it up the inside facing him. He injected the needle and pulled the blood till the syringe was full.

He then put the cap on it and stuck it in his pocket, he grabbed another syringe and slowly explain to me what was in it.

" mIts full of vitamins, and water, with a sort of food, it will keep you healthy." He said it softly as if he didn't want to hurt me, I knew different though.

He injected me, then got up and as he left he whispered that it would make me stronger.

Soon after he left I started feeling better I heard the door creak open. A Man I've never seen before walked in. His face was full of scars and his eyes were hideous, one was scarred out the other was small. I could see the outline of a knife in his pocket, I felt myself sigh.

"So as it turns out our ways of having you do what we say don't work, so this is a new method." He grabbed the knife the knife from his pocket and flipped it up. "Put out your arm."

"Please don't." I breathe out I was so tired of this, I couldn't stand to think about what he would do to me.

"I said put our arm!" He barks at me ripping my arm out in front of me. He grabbed my other arm and shoved the knife in it. "Cut." He said bluntly.

"What?" I breathe

"I said cut!" He yelled at me, I flinch. Bringing the knife to my outstretched arm I stare into his eyes. "now cut." I pull the blade across my forearm closer to my wrist. A gasp of pain escapes my lips the crimson blood rolls down my wrists. "Again."


"I said again!!" He screamed into my face. I cut again higher this time, the pain is worse now that I cause it. He makes me cut again and again soon both arms around leaking blood, not a little but the ground around me has formed a puddle. I drop the knife.

"What are you doing?!" H screamed at me

"I cant anymore, please."

"Then we get to make this worse."

    He reaches down and picks me up by the throat, then slams me to the floor, he continues to kick me in the stomach and ribs, he punches me and beats me till  I nearly pass out from blood loss.

      Suddenly I see a teenage boy not much older than me, with beautiful silver hair and dark chocolate brown eyes with goggles over them. He wore a silver jacket with headphones around his neck. He Swiftly opened the door and came in.

      The man beating me was frozen I looked to him then the silver haired boy. The boy quickly shattered the chain that was holding me and picked me up, my eye lids began to become heavy.

   In a millisecond we were outside the room rushing down the hallway him carrying me into his chest. I feel the blood soak into my pants.
" help me..."
  Is all I manage to say before falling unconscious.


I run into the room, I see a girl with tangled curls and blood everywhere around her, she looked like a skeleton with a thin layer of skin on it, but she had the most beautiful eyes, grey, but they were dull, almost as if she were dead.

    I looked to the man who seemed to be beating her, and realized I needed to get her to safety, as Xavier told me. Raven had been giving special instructions on what to do, they were both waiting for me outside.

The girl looked to me, confusion built on her face. I was confused too, she could see me?  Now was not the time to think about this I could see she was gushing blood, and she needed help, fast.

I quickly broke the chain connecting her to the wall, and scooped her up,  her blood smeared on my clothes. I held her tight to my chest, I could feel her fear of me and what was happening, but how?  No one should be able to see me when I'm running. I looked down to her. Her frail body was light, too light, her eyes stared at me.

"Help me..." she said squeezing my shirt and jacket in her bloody hands. She fell unconscious her head laying in my chest which I felt was quite comfortable. I regripped  my hand under her legs and ran through the maze of hallways to get out. I felt protective of this girl I was holding, yet I've never even met her...

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Word Count: 1021

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