Chapter 10

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The creaks of the floorboards invaded my once peaceful sleep, my eyes fluttered open to see a blurry jeans fluttering about. I sit up and rub my eyes, "Jean?"  she twirls around.

"Sorry, I have training, I didn't mean to wake you." Her voice held guilt.

"It's fine, but training?" I ask getting out my my be and stretching. Yesterday was the last day of schools for the week, me and Jean were going shopping today.  Peter was talkative yesterday, as always,but not as much as before, he had calmed down. He actually paid attention and was very helpful on papers, thankfully didn't have homework.

"Yeah, for the X-Men," she says putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"The X-Men?" I ask confused

"Did Xavier not tell you?" she asks looking at me, her eyes got wide when I shook my head no. "Oh, well its a group of mutants that protect other mutants, its hard to explain, but you can come along it will probably be fun for you."

"Oh yeah I'd love to." She threw a t-shirt a me and  a pair of shorts, I said a quick thanks then turned around to get changed, I threw my hair up in a rubber band. 

"Ready?" Jean asked by the door

"Yeah," I hurry out and we start walking down the halls, i'm not sure exactly where though, "So like what do you do? " I ask seeking more information

"We fight, and train to get stronger and for our powers to get stronger."

"What do you mean fight?"

"There's these things called Sentinel's and they are giant robots programmed to hunt and kill us, so we fight those, and sometimes each other, or we do personal work  with our powers." she says making a sharp left, we enter a large room, about the equivalent to a football field. 

I looked around and it was quite bare, except for metal doors lining the walls, the ceilings were extremely tall and the metal doors mad any one standing in front of them look like an ant.

There was a group of people on the other side of the room, Jean as pulled me along to them. The group consisted of Charles, Peter, Raven and some people I didn't know. Jean went away to a guy in a pair of weird  glasses who gave her a kiss on the cheek, Peter smiled at me and came over.

"I didn't know you'd be here." He said giving me a smile

"Neither did I, Jean said I should come." I said giving a nod.

"Jean's smart like that, are you training?" He asked me, I looked up to him.
" Honestly not sure what is even happening." I say
He gives me a face then looks around, leaning down into me ear he whispers,

" See the guy by Jean? She gave him a kiss on the cheek," I nod," Scott Summers, wear the sunglasses cause he'll basically ruin anything he sees.
The guy with metal wings?" His voice sounds strained when he mentions the winged boy, but I nod all the same, sort of mesmerized by the shine of his wings,
" Warren Worthington, nothing special to him. The blue kid next to him?" I nod again, looming to the boy, he was quite skinny but had a blue tail.
" Kurt Wagner , he teleports but it's kinda limited, The girl next to him is, well I call her storm.... I feel Like that explains her."

I nod agreeing, " So like what do I do?" I ask unsure, his silver hair glinted in the light of the room.

" Well we can see what you can do, " He looks up and heads to Charles, I just continue to stand, not knowing to follow.

He talks to Charles then they both turn and look at me, giving in a couple more words.  Charles took out a pen and paper and scribbled something down, then nodded to Peter who  walked back to me.

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