Chapter 17 - The End

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    Storm was thrown first, she landed on her stomach. Then Warren, Scott, and finally Peter.

Disem got up, and I approached, Jean was still in his head. Disem looked at me, then charged. I screamed as loud as I can staring right into his eyes, I felt my anger come forth and my eyes harness the power.

Disem's hands went to his head, and he screamed in pain. This was my time, I grabbed the pole and charged forward with every might in my body. I slammed against Disem, his body dipped back, and his arms went around my body and we fell, together.

I pushed away from him immediately and pulled the pole to my chest. I couldn't thing about falling, so I thrusted into Disem's chest. His scream filled my ears it mixed with the howling of the wind. 

Disem yanked the pole out of his chest, the blood leaped from it and splattered across my face.  In my state of shock I felt the cool metal slide smoothly into my stomach, my scream filled my ears and pain courses through my body. Disem's arms wrapped around my shoulders, and I pushed back finding the pole with my eyes. I harnessed my powers yanked the pole out only to swing the pole back into Disem, this time in the head. His grip on my loosened and I shoved away from him more. I screamed, as we soon were to hit the ground.

Peters POV:

The pain in my head was unbearable but yet I still found strength and lifted my head from the gravel roof. As soon as I found Gray she was gone, over the edge of the building.

I lay there in shock, but only for a second. I quickly pushed myself off the ground and ran down the stairs, I wasn't running fast enough I realized so I threw myself over the paint chipped railing and swung down.

My feet hit the ground and my knees buckled. I didn't have time for this, I pushed back up immediately and started running again.

I made it out side and ran to the side they had fallen from. I made it to see Gray thrust the pole into Disem's head with her powers, and his grip on her faulter then fall away.

I started running again, I wasn't gonna make it, I wasn't gonna make it. I needed to run faster , I ran as fast as I could. I was a 15 feet away, I can do this.

I charged for her, I am doing it. And suddenly I was thrown to the side. I looked up to see a burly man with three metal claws through his stomach. I looked to see Gray, and I did the only thing I could, I threw myself at her.

My body hit the ground, and I felt broken, dead, alone. I could hear myself screaming but I couldn't remember opening my mouth.

I felt her clothes against my hands, my hands that couldn't reach far enough connected to my body that couldn't move fast enough connected to my legs that couldn't jump far enough.

I got up to my knees and grabbed her body in my arms, she was bleeding on her stomach. Her nose has started to leak blood too. "I can save you, you're gonna be okay." I say, I can save her again. So I did the most human thing I know, I started pushing down on her heart. Are you happy are you satisfied? How long can you stand the heat. Out of the doorway the bullets rip To the sound of the beat look out
I sung the song in my head, my face was drenched in my tears. I felt cool hands on my arms, pulling me back a bit.

I whipped around and threw them off. "I can help her!" I screamed, Jean lay there on the ground looking at me, her eyes told me differently.

"Peter please," Her voice was soft and concerned.

"Jean no, she'll be fine."

"She did it for us, she knew the outcome, she saved us all."

"Why didn't she save herself!? ...Why didn't she save herself..." I ask defeated.

I pulled her to me, her blood soaking my suit. I picked her up, and pulled her body to me. I looked down at her beautiful face. "We've been in the situation before, but that time I was able to save you."

I pulled her up, and Jean walked with me as I made my way to the ship. "Peter..." I ignored Jean and everyone's stare. I walked into the shop to the front, I looked at Xavier and my eyes said everything.


THATS IT!! Yay we've finished it,I'm actually really happy with this, being my first story and all, please comment and vote so I can get feed back, and so this story can get out there, also if you think your friends will like this story please tell them about it, I want to thank everyone for their support and love over the story. Thank you. If you want to read more stories check out  Poems For Emily and my art book, I will be releasing a book very soon though. Thank you.

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