Chapter 15

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2 hours before

" This is illegal you know?" I ask and Charles had become a fretful parent and was messing with my suit.

"Technically not, because we're not gonna go on private property the only thing is murder... but that's a minor setback." Peter jokes as he watches Charles fiddle with the belt and back on my suit.

"Why because you've killed someone before?" I try to joke, Peter just looks up at me, his eyes big and knowing. I cough and look to the floor.

"I think you'll be okay." Charles says stepping away looking at his work.

"You made it tight." I say trying to put my arms comfortably by my side.

"Yes to make you safe." He answers simply

"It was already tight when I had it fitted! I would've been more safe then because I would be able to move too!"

" Stop complaining." Charles rolls away to Raven and Hank.

Peter takes my hand and lead me to the sort of copter plane. He sits me down and does my buckle giving me a quick kiss on the lips then sits next to me and does his buckles. I slip my hand into his and squeeze it.

Storm, Nightcrawler, and Angel sit across from us, Jean is up from with Charles. We look equally nervous, Raven walks down the center.

"Remember to not be afraid, but also be safe and smart. I don't want any of you to die out there. But if you go out there your X-Men so be a team." With those words she sits down and buckles herself in.


I see a loose rusty door half connected to the trunk on top of the pile of squished cars. I strained to pull it down with my eyes, but the woman is walking closer. The heavy tire laying on my legs started to dig into my skin.

In a last final attempt I use the force I have left to rip the bolts off the door and I slam it down on the girl. She screams as it crushes her cutting into her back.

Then I start panicking I bought myself around a minute to get out from under the tire and get ready to fight.

I twist at my core and my left leg lays on it's side, I try to twist more but my legs won't budge. Time was quickly running out, it was to heavy and big for me to lift with my eyes.

Where was everyone? I scream out as I try to move out from under.  The woman with fiery red hair was staring at me, she flipped the door off her back. The door had left a gash that let blood droplets fall down her spine.

As soon as we made eye contact I knew I was done for. She picked the door off the ground and look at the blood for a second, taking her time. I screamed out again, I needed help.

Something buzzed above my head then quickly slammed into the tire I looked up to see the door.

" You missed!" I scream out. She only smiled at me then slowly grabs her sword from its holder. I continue to struggle hoping for something to work and get me out from under.

Quickly enough the tip of the sword if at my neck, already digging into the skin.  I tried to slow my breathing so it wouldn't cut any more. She stepped back but the blade stayed in place. She grabbed my hair with both of her hands the sword quivered in the air.

White Eyes {Peter Maximoff~ XMen}Where stories live. Discover now