Chapter 7

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            " Your different, you know that?" Peter stated, staring into my eyes. " Is that your natural eye color?"
I was taken back by the question and confused at the sudden change in topic.

" Umm... kind of, I was born with one   white eye and one black one. They would change everyday sometimes both of them were black sometimes both of them were white. And on good days one would be white and one black."  I didn't want to tell him about Rein, I wasn't even sure if he knew or not.
" That doesn't explain the grey eyes." We had continued walking now, outside, by a pond. The grass was green and pretty, but it was riddled with students, they'd all stare at my legs and bruises, I felt uncomfortable to see so many people.

" Ummm, they're just that color now." I say, panicked. 
" Oh... it's very pretty."  He says almost in a whisper, I looked up at him, he was taller then me. My 5' 3" figure was small against his sturdy 6' body.

"Oh um thanks." I reply quickly ducking my head down.  I didn't know how to respond to that, I've never really been complimented like that before. "So does everyone here have  thing?" I ask looking around at the student hurriedly walking to get to their classes.

"An ability? Yeah that why their here, mine is being able to be fast, very fast." He says continuing to walk. I stop though and look up at him.

"You don't seem very fast." I state looking him up and down.

"Well not now, I'm going slow for you. Here, when you get stronger I can show you how fast I really am."  He says laughing nudging me in to arm. I laugh and nod my head.

"Well then I'll have to get stronger soon." I smile at him, and he smiled back.

"So what's your thing?"  Peter asked continuing to walk.

"Oh, I don't really know. After I came here I couldn't do what I used to, and Xavier told me that I have multiple now.I know that they have to do with my eyes but I don't know what they are though." I reply, I did want to know what they were, but at the same time I was nervous.

"Well that's gonna make my life a little harder, we can go over elective and classes over lunch. That reminds me, you hungry?"He asks,

"Oh, yeah." He places a hand on my lower back and guides my inside and through the halls. When we got to the door I stopped abruptly, I felt something inside me, some sort of fear taking my over my stomach.

"Something wrong?" I looked up at Peter, his face had taken and worried look and he stepped in front of me.

"I don't know, h-how many people will be in there?" I ask forgetting how to form a sentence.

"Barely anyone, a couple professors on break and possibly a couple seniors." He said looking into my eyes, "Don't worry, I'm here, you got me," Peter gave me a little side smile as he cleared my way and opened the door. "Follow me." He lead me across the dining hall  by my hand. I felt tingly and a bit giddy. 

When we got to the other side Peter let go of my hand  and walked a little further, he went and talked to a lady with a scar down her face, she had green skin and yellow hair, she nodded once or twice then walked away, coming back a second later with two bowls. Peter came back to me with the bowls in hand, then sat down in a chair.

The dining hall was snug and comfy, sorta like a library mixed with the dining hall from Harry Potter.

"So, let's get to know you, and I can better comprehend what classes you should take. Is that okay?" Petter asked taking a big mouth full of his soup only to have tear brim his eyes and to start breathing like an awkward dragon.

I started laughing as he turned red but smiled and laughed with me. " You get to know everything about me, but I get nothing about you?" I asked still giggling and blowing on my soup before taking a sip of mine.

" Well both ask each other questions, me first," He said. Such a gentleman I thought. " Full name?" He looked up at me when He asked this.

"Gray Cannon Thorne, and same to you." I reply continuing to eat. It started to become rapid fire with nothing in between the questions.

"Pierto Django Maximoff, but I go by Peter. Birthday?"

"August 12, You?"

" March 4 Age?"

" 16, 17 soon. Same question."

" 17, favorite genre of music?"

"Rock, alternative, Soundtracks, and I enjoy a fair amount of punk, you?"

"Rock and punk. Favorite place?"

" Don't really have one, but if I did I'm sure it would be somewhere private and nice."

" Mine is my room, worst fear?"

"Death," I didn't have to think about this one, it was far to easy. By know we were more casual with each other, we had set the empty bowls down and moved to a couch. I was some what Laying on it as was he, but we were facing Each other and looking into the face. It was nice small and comfortable and I enjoyed it.

"The dark, umm, some sort of problem you have."

"Anxiety, and Situational Depression."

" I'm a kleptomaniac, worse thing about yourself?"


"That's not true, and umm, people say I have no patience so my impatience. Last question, Something you like?"

" I enjoyed video games growing up and I'd want to get back into them, and I love to draw, but of course I haven't in a while."  I reply,I was kinda sad this was the last question, I was having fun, and absorbing everything I could know with him, but I was also tired and exhausted.

"Sounds nice, after classes some time we can play video games, " he says getting slightly red in the face, " and I think I can sort out your classes now."

" Oh yeah, thanks, um," I look up at the clock, on the wall it's 4 P.M. And I'm starting to feel tired and light headed from all the work. " I think I should be heading back to get some... medicine and all that."

" Oh yeah of course," Peter replied moving his legs of the couch and facing forwards, " Do you know where to go? "

" I'm afraid not, would you mind?" Laugh awkwardly at the end.

" Of course not, follow me" Peter got up and extended his hand, helping me off the couch even though it wasn't needed, when we got back to the Infantry he kissed me on the knuckles, lightly, then left saying he'd be here tomorrow to help with the classes.

For once though, I couldn't wait for school. I felt like this is what I needed all my life, a place to experience all that I can do. My mind races to the night, and guilt floods my veins, I try to ignore it as I mentally prepare for tomorrow, but I seem to fail.

This should be Rein and I, together, here experiencing.

Please read;

I skipped out a lot on Grays life, just because I'm a lazy person and didn't want to write about it, also this isn't gonna be like perfect or factual, so I might make things up for do things that don't happen but don't get mad at me. Just how I roll. I think that's it and thanks for reading. The few people that do *tongue click*

Word Count: 1286

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