Chapter 5

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Gonna be a short chapter sorry, wrote in the  middle of English.

"Multiple?" I asked, how could I have multiple abilities.

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't tell what they are, but thats why your feeling so much pain, your body doesn't know how to react."

I could feel the sweat drip on my forehead, I felt hot and sticky. Xavier looked at the bonds and unbuckled them,

" I'd stay laying if I were you, you're weak right now, vulnerable, we're giving you nutrients, tomorrow if you feel up to it we'll let you up and we can have a talk."

The doors opened and in came a little lady, in her hands was a metal tray with  a bowl of what smelled like some soup, and a glass of water next to it.

"It's time to eat dear, I made some wonderful chicken soup for you, should help you thicken  right up,"  I smiled at her as slowly I sat up and she lay it across my legs, " Oh dear, looks like your burning up," she placed a hand of my for head, her frail hands were soft and cool, and felt like magic. " When your done eating I'll get you a cool cloth," she  pulled a couple pills out of her pocket and placed it on my tray, "Take these hunny it'll help you feel much better."

I smiled " Thanks you so much."

"Anytime dear."

" Thank you Matilda," Xavier called out,

"Next time save em' faster and maybe they wouldn't be so weak!"

He looked to me a small smile on his face.  " I truly am sorry you know,
If we had got you faster you wouldn't have gone through so much pain."

"It's fine, I understand, at least you did get me, I thank you for that." I say sipping my soup

" True, now on to business, I run a school for children like you and we teach them to control their powers and normal lessons, your protected here and you'll have a place to stay with food at all times, and under the circumstances I feel it's only right you stay, like it or not, but your parents, who were close friends of mine, were going to send both you and your brother here years ago. They told me if anything ever happened you be placed into my hands, so it's only fit you stay till your of age. Tomorrow Peter will help you out, I've seen to it that you have the same schedules so you'd have someone watching over you and helping you at all time. He'll be here tomorrow and the day after you'll have your first day of school," He continues to look at me while I eat my soup listening.

"Umm d-does that seam all right to you?"

I stop eating " Well if my parents made you my legal guardian then I kinda have to do what you say so sure, yeah seems fine, " I joke.

He smiles " Well I'll leave you to rest my child."

Word Count: 520

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