Chapter 6

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Her new clothes above^^

My sleep was fitful, the pills I took calmed down my fever but only a bit. Once when I woke up I could see everything, as if I have night vision.

The third time I woke I felt the blood coursing in my veins. The warmth of the silky red liquid would flow to the tips of my finger tips. I could feel my self thinking, and my nerves twitching, with what can only be described as anticipation.

I finally stayed up after waking in sweat  for the 5th time. My clothes stuck to my body, and my head hurt.  The door slowly creeped open.

"Oh, your awake, Peter will probably be here soon, heavens knows he was excited to help."  The little medicine lady, Matilda, said with such a sweet voice.

" Oh, cool, umm do you think I can take a shower first, I haven't in a while." I ask I didn't want Peter, or anyone to see me in this state.

"Of course dear, here follow me." Matilda said in a soft voice.  Getting up was a bit of a trouble, my legs were still weak and bruised and my chest still felt  like it couldn't expand, and my head got light with sudden movements.

  Once I got up everything was a bit easier, Matilda walked slow with me, giving an encouraging word now and then. 

She finally got me to a bathroom with a shower, we passed windows on the way there, it was still darkish outside, probably around 5:30in the morning.

"There's a towel in there, I personally made sure it was the softest, There's soap too. I'll bring you some clothes."

"Thank you." I say grateful for her kindness. She walked away getting me clothes and I stepped inside the shower, pulling the curtain back I strip from the clothes. They had dried blood in them and were terribly dirty. I turn on the shower, it's freezing cold I quickly jump out of the jet stream.

I snort, laughing at myself. I turn it to a warm setting and slip into the stream of water, they slid off my back and hit the floor, I look down and the pink tinted water.

The door creaks open as I'm shampooing my hair then shuts quietly. I silently thank Matilda. I start washing the soap out of my hair, the tangles get caught in fingers. The conditioner is soft and smooth against my skin and hair.

When I finish I wrap the towel around me it's soft and fluffy, I look into the mirror and see the bruises on my body, they cover me from head to toe.

I look at the clothes that were brought for me, my old ones were taken. The new ones were flimsy but soft, I slipped the new underwear which fit quite comfortably. Then pulled the romper over my body. It was a little big  but covered my body.  Yet I felt exposed, my bruises showed and the romper only covered my thighs and up. I saw the yellow fading ones and the dark blue and purples ones.  My arms felt exposed too, but seeing as it would be hot from the summer sun  it was a good idea.

I saw a note on the bathroom table, I went to read it and saw it was from Matilda;

I took your old clothes to get washed I brought back the only things that looked even close to fitting you. I'm sorry there a bit thin, I have a nice white jumper you can put over if you want on your bed. Peter will be by around 12 to take you around.
If he gives you any trouble just holler and I've be running
~ Matilda

I was definitely gonna put on the jumper when I got back. I checked the cabinets and found a tooth brush with tooth paste and a hairbrush. I yanked at my ratted hair and pulled all the tangles out, then left it to  dry naturally. It stopped at the sternum but it's curls and waves made up for the awkward length.

I brushed my teeth harshly making my gums bleed, and my mouth hurt. Continued the brushing process till I felt my mouth was clean. I looked into the mirror. My face had started to fill out again, and the body looked less... well less like a stick figure.

I braided my hair into a loose French braid and walk out of the bathroom. Finding my way back to were I was sleeping I realized how nervous I was. I slipped on the knitted jumper and sat in the bed, playing with my fingers.  I don't know why I'm nervous but I am. I think of Peter, what should I say to him? Thank you?

Should I act like I don't know him or avoid the subject and let him talk?

After a few minutes of critical thinking about what to say the door slammed open.  I look up abruptly and see him walk in, a grin on his face that was just adorable.

" Hey," he said walking over. I quickly jump off the bed.
" Hi I'm thank you...." I blurt out, I take a second to realize what I just. Peter just stood there a devilish grin on his face as he tries not to laugh.

" Well you're welcome, I think you'll do just fine here." He laughs and puts an arm around the back of my shoulders guiding me to the door.

" I mean I'm Peter.. Gray! I'm Gray! My name is Gray."  Im finally able to spit out

" Peter, "

" What?" I also taken off guard

Suddenly everything is moving very slow and I see Peter in front of me.

" My names Peter, I'm the one that got you out of your little situation."

"Why do you move slow sometimes? Is that your thing, stopping time or slowing it down? " I ask as I continue walking right past him. Going to my side he looks at me.

"Are you serious?"

" Yes, why would I not be?"

" I don't move slow, I'm fast, I'm very
fast. Faster than anyone normally is."
"Your joking right?"

" Not a bit...."

For everyone one out there reading, I know I'm not a very good writer, and I know I'm not portraying the emotions and things I want you to feel  well at all. But thanks for reading any ways I salute you.

Word Count: 1079

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