Chapter 4

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     I feel immense pain in my body, every breath feels like a kick in the stomach.   I open my eyes, the blinding lights leave me wishing I left them closed.I look around, there's not much, everything looks clean and pristine.   I try to raise my hands to my head, but I can't, there tied down by leather bonds to the bed, I keep struggling with the bonds, my legs seem to be strapped as well.

    I didn't know where I was or what was happening, but all I could remember was a silver haired boy, with the most Intriguing brown eyes I've ever seen. Unlike my old ones of course.

I needed to calm down and think, which was most difficult because everything was moving and my head hurt so much. I breathed out, sensing a person walking through the doors I quickly open my eyes. I was shocked to see a a young bald man roll in on a wheelchair. A young man, who've I decided to call "wheels" must've not have been as old as the man in the wheelchair was on his left and his right was a woman again in the same age zone as both men. She had blonde hair and was quite pretty.

The man in the wheelchair came by my bed right up by my head. I tensed and moved away from him.

" Don't be afraid," he said his voice was calming and I let my muscles loosen a little. " I know you have a lot of questions and they will be answered over time." Suddenly the doors slammed shut and the boy with silver hair walked in.

    "Sorry, " he said as he walked over to where "wheels" was and looked at the blonde and the other man, who gave him a dissatisfied look. His face was blank and his arms were crossed over his chest but his eyes held interest.

" You won't ever be hurt again I promise," Wheely said

" Who are you?"

" My name is Charles Xavier, I run a school for special people like you."

" I don't know what your talking about." I knew I couldn't let on at all, and my eyes were in so much pain, I wanted to scratch them out.

" You don't have to hide here, we're all special." I stared at him not saying anything but letting out heavy breaths from the pain. " Raven get her some of that Morphine She's in pain." The woman, Raven, left through the doors her shoes made clicking sounds on the floor.

" Let me see into your mind,"

"What?" I snapped the pain overwhelming.

"I'm going to look into your mind and help you."

"Your insane" I spat

Im afraid I have to say no, I'm not, but you might be on the verge of it.

I looked to Xavier his mouth didn't move as he spoke, the more freaked out I was the more I wanted this to continue happening.

I'm going to look through you memories, and ease your pain,

I didn't say a word I just stared at him as we kept eyes contact. He closed his eyes and I felt something in my head, it wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't pleasant.

Soon he began grunting in pain, and slowly shaking, I could feel it too, my breathes got quicker and more ragged my head exploded and my body was on fire.

"Professor? "  the silver haired boy said in a worried voice, " Hank what do we do?"

The man I now know as Hank touched Xavier on his shoulders "Charles!"

Xavier opened his eyes suddenly and gasped for air.  Then looked at me, the pain went away suddenly " Everyone leave."

"But" Hank started

" Now Peter, Hank tell Raven that the morphine is no longer needed."

"...yes sir." The silver hair boy said who I'm now guessing name was Peter.

Once they left and the door slammed shut, Xavier looked at me, tears were in his eyes.

" I'm so sorry,... what is your name child."

"Gray." I croaked out

" Gray, we're here to help you, there are hundred of people at my school like you, special, and we protect them, we'll protect you."

" I'm not special anymore... I lost my power when Rein died..." I feel a warm tear slowly slide down my face.

" You brother?" He asked I nod, " I'm sorry about him too, you were able to kill and revive people with your eyes weren't you?"

I nod again " When they were black we could kill people and when they were white we could revive people, but some days they were one and one, and we couldn't do anything, but we never had the same color eyes at the same time with powers."

" I don't believe you lost them, I believe they just changed, that why your head hurts, you don't have one power anymore, your vision is swarmed with many."

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Word Count: 826

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