Chapter 14

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5 Hours before

" I don't want you to go, I bet you know that though." Peter's voice was quiet, nearly a mumble. We sat upon the roof, hand in hand, my head on his shoulder. "Its dangerous you can get hurt."

"And what you can't?" I didn't want to get into this  I was going and that was that. No one could stop me, not even Xavier.

"I can but I can't fight and protect you at the same time." He said looking into my eyes, his eyes were filled with concern.

"I don't need protection. " I said quietly, he stopped talking about it. I resumed my position and snuggled closer into his side, we watched the sun slowly rise above the trees giving a warm glow to the sky.

  We only had a few minutes before we would have to go down to the training room and suit up.

"You want to know one good thing about me coming with you?" I say trying to lighten the mood.

"What?" He smiles and looks down at our hand that are intertwined.

"You can see me in spandex." I can barely say the last part because I was laughing so hard. Peters cheeks got red and he laughed along.

"I'm sure it's a sight to see." He replies, a big grin on his face.

"We need to go." I say looking at my watch, we only had a little time to get there.

"We have a few minutes," Peter said smiling " I'm a mutant remember?"

I grin at this and sit back down, we spend those minutes snuggle close to each other.  To soon he gets up and tugs me along with him. He places his hand to my check and kisses me slowly. When he draws back he whispers, "If I could spend time in a bottle, again I'd spend them with you."

Hearing those words I knew I never loved someone more. I quickly pressed a kiss to his lips. He moved his hand to the back of my neck then pulled away.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused on how he was standing.

"Holding your neck so you don't get whiplash." He whispers in my ear.



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Word Count: 382

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