Chapter 9

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" Ahh Gray, Iv'e been waiting" Xavier said turning around in his wheel chair.

"Oh, not long I hope?" I ask sitting down on the velvet love seat in his office.

" Of course not, Peters a good kid, glad he got you here on time." He nodded to Peter. Peter nodded back then leaned down and whispered to me.

"I'll be waiting outside." I looked up at him and nodded whispering a small okay. When the door shut closed I spoke up.

" Xavier can I ask you something?" I ask in a small voice.

" Of it's only natural to have questions, especially after your first day, and do me a favor, call me Charles at times like this." He looked at my intently but with care, which was different.

" Well, how did you know my parents?"

" Oh, well now that's a story...." He cleared his throats then continued." Your Grandfather on your mothers side was different, like us. He married you Grandma who was also different, and they had your mother, Twyla. Twyla wasn't born with an ability but they knew that their genes were still in her, and her future kin could have, abilities. So when you and Rein were born your grandparents sought out schools for the young and gifted like you. Both your mother and father were fine and excited about the both of you, but also scared. They thought you guys could go to school normally. Your grandparents still came and talked to me about the both of you, just in case. When you were four the government got ahold of your grandparents and wanted to do experiments, the experiments were to hard for both of them and they unfortunately died. After they died your parents went to me about my school. We talked about the both of, but they decided they didn't want to be away from the both of you. I had them inform me constantly of the both of you, to keep you and everyone safe. They then when you got older and more resilient wrote their will. And they left the both of you everything. If they were to die early they wanted you to come here, to be safe. Over those years we became close," He took a big breath in and out." That must be a lot to take in huh?" Charles said a small smile ok his face.

He wasn't wrong, in fact he was most definitely right. I never thought or knew that they had an outside life from us. Or that we could've been sent to this school when we were younger. Part of my was sad me didn't come, the turn out could've been different. The other part of me was happy, i wasn't torn apart from my parents I was with them and.... some what happy.

After a few minute of silence I spoke up. " How long so I stay here?"

"When your 18 you can choose to leave or stay. If you do choose to leave I do hope you visit. There will be many like you, and you could help them. " Charles replied, he came around to the front of his desk. " Now for a roommate, I've assigned you to Jean, she very kind and nice, and will help you around when Peter can't. Im sure she will be very helpful in your studies. I'll have Peter show you to your room?"

" Of course, thank you." I murmured loud enough for him to hear. I was truly thankful.

" Off you go now, I expect to see you soon."

" As do I," With that I walked out the door, Peter as he said was waiting, sitting in a chair flipping through a book at lightning speed.

When he finally saw me he stood up so quick the book flew to the other side of the room. I look to the book, The Study Of Electronics, then back to Peter who had gone bright red.

"Did it shock you or something," I ask trying not to laugh.

" Oh, um no?" Peter mumbled out looking down at his toes. " So do you know your roommate?

" Yeah her names Jean."

"Jean? Dude Jean's awesome you'll love her." Peter got all excited, and I was feeling better about meeting her too.

He led me through the halls which we now spare and not filled with students. We made many turns and I couldn't remember which way was what. But finally we got to the door.

"Ready?" He turned to look at me, I nodded.
He swung open the door and yelled
" Honey I'm Home!"
A girl in the corner who can only be Jean looked up frantically from her book, surprise on her face. Her red hair glinted in the light from the window. She saw who it was a smiled, "Peter!"
Closing the book she came over to him and gave him a quick hug, then looked to me.

" You must be Gray, I'm Jean, I hope Peter hasn't been a hassle for these couple of days." She said searching my face and shaking my hand, her smile was warm and friendly.

" Oh, he's been great, although it's been very fast walking the halls so I have no clue how to get anywhere." I replied smiling back, I knew I'd like Jean, she seed nice and funny.

She looked to Peter and gave him a face, in return he just shrugged.

" Well I can help you with that, Matilda got you clothes and brought your stuff here, and the Professor said that em and you are going to go shopping in the weekend to get you some new stuff. " Jean'a voice grew more and more excited and she spoke. " Here come in! Your beds on the left. "

I looked around it was clean and cozy, and nice window with a seat under it. It was spacious yet felt small, I enjoyed it very much.

" So how was your first day?" Jean asked.
" Boring as always," Peter said before I could speak.
"Peter." She snapped at him still laughing, but he shut his mouth .

" I though it was fun, and different, but something I could get used too, and I know all the nicknames for the teachers now." I laugh at the bed reminiscing on the day.

Jean looked at Peter, smiling. " He's already trying to make you seem like him to the teacher, marvelous what he can do, don't let him have to much control though, goodness knows what will happen."

Jean Peter and I kept talking through the day, laughing and getting to know each other. When darkness fell Peter said goodbye giving me a tight hug, and rubbing the top of my head as if I were a dog.
Me and Jean stayed up late talking about everybody and everything and ourselves.

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Word Count: 1164

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