Chapter 13

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24 Hours Before

"So what he's collecting mutants?" Raven asked, Charles collected us all into his office.

"Some what, his army may be small, but he's doing the same thing, he must have realized he can't have the strongest," Charles explained nodding at Warrington, Jean, Peter, Scott, Storm, Kurt, and I. "So he's collecting them all weak included, he may be weak now but his power grows, We need to defeat him before he gets stronger." As Charles finished he looked around the room, assessing our power.

We had been training for a couple months now, I could control my power. I was swift in my eye movement, My favorite use of it was eating, especially when I was sore. The other would have to move their limbs, they'd groan and moan in pain while I on the other hand could feed myself, without moving a muscle.

On the particularly painful days, is feed the others, with the price of "accidentally" spilling once or twice.

"When would we leave?" Jean asked.

"Tomorrow, at dawn. Go say your goodbyes and get ready." Charles replied, With that everyone got up and left, the same grim face on them all.

"Gray stay here."  Charles commanded from his desk,  I asked over and stood in front, standing with confidence.

"I made your parents a pr-"

"I can do this! I'm strong enough to fight!" I interrupt him, I needed to fight. "For too long I was hiding! I need to help!"

Charles looked up at me and he rubbed over his jaw, thinking. "You fight last, when every one has done all that they can, and you stay behind someone, preferably Peter or I."

"Why!" I knew I could do more, I was strong, " I can do this I've been training for so long! Please let me fight!" I yelled slamming my hands on his desk.

"You might not agree with me choice but I made a promise, you do what I say or you don't come at all." He said, he wouldn't budge, I knew that. There's no point in trying to change that fact.

"Fine." I say I walked out and leave the door open, just so he had to close it.

I have no inspiration, but what I want to do I doubt anyone would like it Bc it's not like the story line. I dont know I'm just stuck, so sorry for the short chapter.

Word Count: 407

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