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// Third Person POV //

"Stand him up," a gruff voice said as the person who had spoke entered the room and stood in front of a kneeling form. The man was dressed in dark camouflage from head to toe and had a badge on his left chest that read his corporate standing; General Jones. "It is nice to see you again Christopher."

"Brad," The man on the floor spit out as he lifted his head to look at the army man in front of him. Two soldiers walked in behind the general and picked Chris up from the floor as a doctor appeared next to the doorway. "Why are you doing this? You have a family. A wife. A daughter that needs something better than this."

"They're dead. Just like your family. All I can do now is hope that I don't end up like them," Jones had responded as he motioned for the soldiers to lay his old friend on the table and strap him down for the doctor. "Chris, I hope that your friends can find you in time and that I can see them turned into drone too."

With that General Jones left the room after saluting the doctor. As Chris was restrained to the cold metal table the medical doctor ordered the soldiers to leave as well. A feeling of sadness and guilt and anger washed over the brunette father as he stared up at the ceiling in anticipation and fear. He knew that something bad was going to happen to him and his family but he never thought that he would be used against them like this.

"A fucking drone," he laughed out as all the feelings in him became overwhelming and he couldn't hold them in. Chris cried as he continued to laugh at the realisation that he was going to be turned into a killing machine.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wolstenholme. I'll make sure you remember your family and friends," the doctor whispered lightly as Chris looked over at him as he tightened the straps around his wrist. The doctor noticed that he was in distress and tried calming him by injecting a sedative. "No one is going to take you alive. There's a resistance that's here to help us all."

With that finally statement running through Chris's mind he falls asleep, hoping to wake up with his mind, body, and soul still with him.

In the Deafening Silence [ BELLDOM AU ] [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now