// EXTRA // Making Me Feel Eternally Missed

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I had really wanted to put this in somewhere but I couldn't find an appropriate place so it's just an extra chapter.

Takes place just before Penelope dies


// Penelope's POV //

I had ran up to the side of the fallen piece of rubble from a building and sat on my haunches, looking just over the top of the bricks at the two watchtowers ahead of me. Tom sat beside me on the ground breathing heavily, his hands shaking in his lap. I did the same and looked towards him, giving the black haired man a reassuring smile as he hid his hands under his legs.

"You don't have to do this, you know," Thomas said as I pulled up my boots and fixed the strap of my tank top falling off my shoulder. "There could be another way. You don't have to die just because of us Penelope."

"Yes. Yes, I do," I stated harshly, making Tom jump slightly. Huffing, I ran my hand through my blonde hair and leaned back onto the brick wall. I knew that no matter what I say he's going to try to get me out of it, but I've already made my mind up. "You want to live, right? Because I want you too. I want to see Dominic and Matthew live too. I want you to go back to your job and your family. I want Dom to have a perfect life where he can be himself. I want Matthew to be who he's meant to be."

Thomas got silent as the only sound that could be heard was the wind whipping the red dirt and swirling the dust into little clouds just above the ground. I pulled my legs underneath me and faced towards Tom as I saw he was looking at me. What I said to him was true, I wanted him and his friend to live. They don't deserve to die before I do.

"Please, Tom, I know that you don't like me all that much but I want you to know that what I'm doing is for the greater good. They're going to see us, the reapers that is, and they're going send a message back to the psycho and he's going to do nothing. I know that for sure, but if someone dies out there because of the reapers he's going to bomb this place."

"But it doesn't have to be you, Penelope. I'll do it. Please don't do this," Tom pleaded, giving me a sour look as I saw tears building at the edge of his eyes. Looking away, I reached my hands up to unclasp the necklace around my neck. I handed it to Tom who refused it at first.

"Give this to Morgan. And let him know I love him." I got up on my knees and peered over the edge of the wall, seeing the reapers making their way back around to the front of the watchtowers. Pulling out my gun from my waistband, I glance to Thomas behind me who was stuffing the microchip in his back pocket as he pulled his gun, then to Matthew, giving him a signal that its time.

"Penelope," Thomas interjected. "I'll remember you and what you've done in our fight for freedom."

"Thank you, Tom."


I didn't want you guys to see her die all over again so I stopped here. I really wanted to portray Thomas and Penelope's relationship but there was never really a good time so it's just an extra chapter.

This is the end but you guys might see me #soon!


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