Lost, Crushed, Cold, and Confused

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"Everything that I have told you so far is true besides the lies that I have made up. There is a resistance and I was a founder of it, now I am a leader of the group. I am a soldier from the government, trained to kill but not willing to use my skills on innocent people. Matthew is a drone but he's different from all the other ones, he's a vital force in the wake of the battle. But what I had lied to you about is our escape. We were sent out by the compound to specifically take the two of you back with us to question and... turn you into weapons. I had gone against the general's orders and he is probably looking for me and my drone as we are speaking but we are safe, I promise you that.

"I had risked my life and Matthew's too to protect you guys and bring you into a fight for our life's. I do understand that if you do not want to continue following me to the resistance base, I will not force you or object to your opinion. But do know that we need all the help that we can get at this point. It may seem like everyone hates the psycho but most of them are brainwashed and are used against their will to follow the government and their laws."

Penelope had explained herself fully as the sun had completely slipped behind the fallen land and the moon was taking shape in the sky above us. As the soldier had talked I kept looking over at Matt who was still asleep and at Tom who listened intently to what she had to say. She believed in doing good for the people who have been wronged and wants the best not just for herself but for everyone who has been lost, crushed, cold and confused in this war on our country.

"I'm not leaving your side now, Penelope. We have gone through too much to just turn our backs on the ones who wish to give us better," I said as I could see in the faded moonlight a smile spreading across her cheeks in a joyous grin. Thomas beside me huffed lightly and crossed his arms over his chest. I knew that there was no way that my friend was going to change his mind about the soldier or the drone, even after hearing what she had to say.

"I know you did not like me or Matthew once we met for we were part of the government but I hope that what I tell you next can change your opinion just on me, not concerning the resistance. Your friend, Christopher, is still alive. I know you had left him on that gruesome battlefield but I had seen him before I left the compound. I made sure with a resisting doctor he would keep him alive and not turn him into a drone like they have with so many other people."

"Chris?" I heard Tom softly speak as his arms dropped to his sides. Penelope leaned against the wall beside her and nodded her head in agreement. "He was dead. I saw the bullet wound. You did too, Dom. You can't tell me that he's actually alive."

"But I can," the blonde haired women took out a handheld recorder and rewound it for a minute then pressed play. A male voice was pushed through the tiny speakers as it switched to a feminine voice. It was Penelope talking to the doctor who was going to turn our friend into a drone. The male had said that he was going to stall the general and the other doctors as long as possible until the rebellion happened. Penelope had thanked the doctor and spoke again, but to who I believed was Chris. Saying that he'll see his friends and family again.

"That was definitely about Chris and you can't deny it, Tom. He's alive, protected, and will be willing to help the resistance," I had convinced my black haired friend as the solider put way the recorder and looked between the both of us. She said to Thomas that she's not trying to guilt him into following her into a battle for their life's but only to believe her and trust that Chris is alive.

"How-how do you plan on actually overthrowing the... psycho, as you say? I want to make sure I'm not going in blindly, just hoping that you will actually safe us all." My friend asks as he places his arms back over his chest and watches Penelope grab something from around her neck that was tucked beneath her shirt. It was a small black micro chip attached to a gold necklace.

"This," she exclaimed. "Will safe our life's."

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