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I ended up getting up and making breakfast for the both of them, it felt so nice to do.

"What are we doing today daddy? Is mummy coming to get me today?" She asked me and I felt Phil's eyes on me.

"We'll just have to see what happens." Was all I said to her.

"You know what I think we should do?" Phil asked her "I think we should watch Willie Wonka, that movie I was talking about where the girl turns into a blueberry." He told her.

"Yeah!" She cheered.

We all sat on the couch together with her in the middle, it was cute to see her eyes light up at certain parts. Near the end of the movie I got a text and pulled my phone out.

"Do it." It was from Phil. I decided that now would probably be the best time while she was occupied. I got up off the couch and headed into the kitchen where I made the call to the police station, I almost cried as I did, I was so scared.

Dan The Dad (Phan)Where stories live. Discover now