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Did Megan just call Phil dad in front of everyone? Oh my god she just called him her dad! This is wonderful!

"Awww look at her Philip." His mother came over and cooed as he held onto her. She pushed a curly strand out of her eyes as Phil introduced Megan to his family.

"Hi Nana!" Megan said and waved at my mum. my mum gave her a smile and  waved back, making her look like such a grandmother.

"She looks just like you." Pj elbowed me making me realize he was still standing next to me.

"I get told that quite a lot." I gave a short laugh at the inside irony that she wasn't mine and no one in this room knew except me, Phil and Louise.


I rushed over to Louise and leaned into her ear.

"Stop trying to kiss me, Dan!" She yelled a little bit too loudly making some of mine and Phil's family look at us.

"She's just joking." I said to everyone hoping they heard it.

"Just joking." Louise confirmed awkwardly.

"Don't say anything about her not being mine, no one knows." I whispered to her and she laughed.

"I didn't plan on it. I think it's a bit rude to talk about the legitimacy of your child at her fifth birthday party, isn't it?" She whispered back.

"Just making sure." I told her.

"Daddy!" I heard Megan call and I turned around to see she was actually talking to me this time. Phil put her down and she came over to me. She motioned me closer and I bent down and she cupped her little hand between her mouth and my ear.

"Tell them about the baby." She whispered. I held up a finger and went over to Phil and whispered in his ear.

"Megan asked me to tell everyone about the baby. What do you think?" I asked.

"Megan asked you to?" He questioned and I nodded and he nodded back.

"Guys!" Phil shouted over the chatter to get their attention as I picked up Megan. "Do you want to do it Megan?" Phil asked her quietly and she quickly nodded with an excited smile.

"Megan has an announcement to make." I informed them and the room went silent.

"I get a baby brother for my birthday!" She said and the room was still silent.

"Dan and I are having another baby!" Phil said making the room go crazy with chatter again as our parents came over to us to question us about it.

"Are you kidding me Daniel?!" My mother asked and I put down Megan who took off to play with Darcy.

"Oh! This is wonderful!" Phil's mum hugged him.

"There are two kinds of parents I guess." I said.

"You just found out you had one and now you're jumping into another?" My mum scolded.

"We found that we really love children, and it's just time." Phil said.

"Ayeee! You've gotta quit knocking Dan up, Phil." PJ now came over to us.

"Oh my god." I mumbled "I can't even escape this unless I jump out a window."

"Oh sweetheart, don't jump out the window." Phil's mum said to me jokingly.

"Phil, do you think I could talk to you for a moment?" I asked him.

"Is something wrong?" he whispered to me.

"No, no. I just wanted to uh..." I said.

"Yeah, sure." He agreed and we headed off into the kitchen where a pink and black untouched  birthday cake sat on the counter.

Dan The Dad (Phan)Where stories live. Discover now