chapter one; whats your favorite color ?

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i skimmed my eyes through the empty halls, my insides churning with excitement as the director explained my bell schedule and times. "Do you have locker rooms, like ones with showers?" I turned my head quickly and smiled as she cocked a brow. "Yes, we do." "And art?" "I don't see why you would want to join, but yes we do if you would rather have that course instead of theatre." She chuckled softly to herself as i nodded and turned my head forward.

"But continuing on, your first class should be starting soon; i would head there now if you don't want to be trampled by teens." She laughed softly and patted my shoulder as i chuckled nervously to myself, my eyes dragging around the soon to be dreaded halls i was about to die in. "T-Thanks, will do mam." I waved a small goodbye and left as she welcomed me to my new high school.


I found myself in lunch already, the first two classes going by quickly as i was the main focus on each class. I was bombarded with questions about 'what its like to be colorblind' and 'what are my favorite shades' which i obviously didn't answer.

Yet as i walked through the doors, it was almost slow motion as i ran into the first i coming person i saw. "Hey watch where your going, kid!" They growled between their teeth as i scoffed and dragged my eyes across them. "Its not like i could of seen you in the first place- but don't worry, your big ego makes up for your short height." I wrapped my fingers around my backpack straps and turned as i glanced at their open mouth and wide eyes.

I smiled slightly and waited in line quietly a the teens in front of me chatted loudly. I looked around as i stood, questioning where I would sit when the time came, but before i could decide, i was shoved a tray of grey components that looked semi-appetizing. With a loud groan i paid and slowly walked in the center of the lunch room, turning round and round as i looked for an empty space.

"Blue eyes!"

I pursed my lips as i frowned as turned to the double doors swinging open with teens, my only option being eating in that lounge i saw earlier.


I hummed as i walked over to the open doors; the idea of eating in a quieter place not as bad as it felt. I could play my music and go over the homework, which was a win for me after all the lectures i sat through.

I smiled faintly at the thought before i felt my bag being yanked back, my body turning to see a kid with dark hair and a grin. "I was calling you, blue eyes." His voice was soft and fragile, as if it was breaking every time he spoke. "Blue. Eyes?" I raised a brow and frowned as he shook his head, grabbing my wrist as he lead me through the tables once again.

I felt a warmth in my cheeks as i eyes lingered at me from the so called table, one person glaring daggers into my body; he was beautiful once i was up close. "You can sit next to Dean." The stranger let go of my wrist as he sat next to a smaller kid with scrappy hair that was tucked behind his ears.

I felt myself grow silent as i stood at the end of the table, my eyes looking down at the dull chipped flooring beneath me. "He wont bite- well it depends." I heard skin on skin and looked up to see the guy that looked at me before hit the guy that brought be over. "Castiel, my names Castiel- or Cas." I scampered as i sat down next to the beautiful boy quickly.


Each one raised a hand at their own names, and i took a good look at them as they started to eat.

Kevin was slim, tall and quiet for the most part. He kept a respectful distance and had a warm smile against  his lips that felt like home. He wore a crisp, clean shirt with back jeans and shades that laid tucked in his collar.

Sam was younger in looks, his eyes softer and more innocent than Kevin's which was nice. His face was pretty; everything he did so natural and sincere in movement every time he caught me staring. Yet he was slightly pudgy for the most part and had a long torso that was covered in a faded t-shirt and grey jacket.

Which left Dean.

He was my height and had semi-built arms with a short torso and long legs. His face was perfect in every way; it was more defined than everyone else's thats for sure. His cheeks and under eyes where scattered with freckles and a dark shades that seemed to faux. He was honestly the prettiest boy I've ever seen.

When he caught me staring he smiled faintly and shook his head, causing my face to feel strangely warm as i turned away to look at my food.

"So Cas, whats your favorite color?"

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