chapter six; movies and secrets

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I opened the door to my home, a small sigh escaping my lips as i ran my hand through my hair. "Im home with a friend, more are coming later!" I shouted as i let Dean enter first.

I frowned when there wasn't a response, the voice of my mother usually booming about dinner later. "Mom?" I called as i shut the door and took a look around, Dean quietly following me as i entered the kitchen. "Theres a note..." He tugged on my sleeve and handed me a light colored page that was ripped out from a notepad.

I snatched the note and scanned over it with a loud sigh as i spun around, Dean hovering over my shoulder as i ran my thumb along the sides.

Im working late tonight, dinners in the fridge!

Love you,
Mom :)

"So the house is ours?" He sneered behind me as i rolled my eyes and set the note on the table. "Im texting her, don't get to happy you horny bastard." I scoffed and pulled out my phone as he turned a dark shade of black around his cheeks. "i-i didn't mean it like that." He stuttered out with wide eyes as he leaned against the kitchen island. "You know, for a cool kid, its nice to see you get all worked up over a few words." I hummed as i started the text.


is it fine if i have a few friends over?

- how many and who are they

kevin, sam, and dean

- don't stay up after 12

okay thanks :)

I smiled at my phone before slipping it into my pocket to see Dean with his head in the fridge. "Wow you didn't even ask." I crossed my arms and he pulled out a plastic container filled with spaghetti. "Dinner?" He asked with a big toothy smile; I nodded in response.

"But save it for the gang, they should be heres soon; kevin lives a few houses down and sam should be walking here now." I took two steps forward and yanked the container away, putting it back into the fridge, slamming the door shut before smiling at Deans pout. "Im hungry, man" he groaned as i only shrugged and shooed him out of the kitchen with a grin.

"Okay, movie? I have a shitload of Disney and 90s classics." I spoke proudly as i threw myself on the couch with a poof, Dean not far as he sat down next to me with a contemplating expression. "How about The Goonies?-" The doorbell rang.

"Bet thats them." I sat up quickly and walked around the couch. "Get the movie you want, they're in the cabinet next to the DVD player!" I explained as i ran my hand through his hair in my passing.

I jogged up to the door and opened it with a grin once i saw Kev and Sam with bags from CVS. "We brought candy." Kev said as he walked in, Sam flashing a quick smile as he followed behind. "Kitchens straight ahead and so is the living room; Deans on the couch playing a movie." I shut and locked the door before making my way back to the couch with Dean, sitting down net to him as they gathered everything together.

"Hey Sammy whatcha get?" Dean called as he draped his arm over the couch, turning to his brother with glimmering eyes. "Um I'm not sure, Kevin bought mostly everything-" "Skittles, Beef Jerky, Sour Worms, Sour Patches, Popcorn..." Kevin started listing as i groaned loudly. "Damn Kevin, i didn't order diabetes!" I said as he chuckled to himself.

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