chapter twenty seven; the boy who fell in love

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Dean walked to the back of the bus calmly, his under eyes dark and purple from his lack of sleep last night. He saw Cas' curly hair peek from above the seats and smiled in relief knowing he could talk to someone.

"Hey." He greeted happily. Castiel lifted his head from against the window with a silent smile, "Wow, you look tired." The older boy pointed out, grinning at the way Dean grumbled softy to himself. "Yeah, me and Sam got into it last night..." He explained with a heavy yawn, throwing his bag to the ground as he leaned back into the seat.

"Oh? Is everything okay?" Castiel questioned, sitting up to look at Dean fully. "Not exactly, and i don't know when it'll get resolved." "Must of been bad, do you wanna talk about it?" He questioned, turning his body to lean against the window, his legs lifting to rest over Deans thighs so he took up all the space available

"Nah, maybe later." "Okay then, let me know when." Cas hesitated, reaching over to hold Deans hand with a gentle smirk.

Dean took it happily and tapped along the top of Cas' hand. He appreciated the boy and his understanding, the way he knew when to quit questioning, and after last week, he didn't want to start another argument.

"Whens your free period? Maybe we can meet in the arena and ya know.." Dean wiggled his eyebrows and winked cheekily, his other hand patting Castiels thigh teasingly. "As if! My grades are shit right now and i'm not letting them slip for a quick bang or whatever." Cas argued with a huff as he raised his head and crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah? Whats your lowest?" Dean edged on, scoffing slightly as he knew Cas was anything but a slacker when it came to school. "80, and if it drops even a single point, my mom with stab me with a spoon." The older one argued softy as he leaned his head on the seats. "A 80!? Im at a 76 right now!" Dean laughed slightly and shoved his boyfriend away. "I can always tutor you, you never ask..." Cas whispered in a low tone, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Sounds like a plan, does it involve make out breaks?" "Nope."


Kevin patiently waited outside her classroom, his breath heavy and feet tapping rapidly against the floor. Could the bell just hurry up already? He questioned, glancing at the clock hanging high in the schools hallway.

As if on cue, the bell rang, sending doors flying open. Kids flooded out of the room he was by, and he kept a close eye for someone with blond hair and a tall figure.

She walked out with her friends, hair curly and bouncing against her backpack. Kevin saw her and reached out to grab her arm, a small argue of protest leaving her lips. "We need to talk." He told her, bringing them chest to chest instantly. "About what?" She calmed down once she realized who he was and leaned against the wall in response.

"You know what." Kevin snapped, crossing his arms as he looked straight into her blue eyes. She sighed softy and looked down at her shoes, her voice quiet as she spoke. "I don't know what to tell you, a-and im sorry it didn't work out for you two but--" "What are you talking about?" Kevin cut her off questionably, his arms loosening their grip ever so slightly.

"Didn't you and Sam have a thing going on? You guys dated right?" She tilted her head and Kevin suddenly became flushed with embarrassment. "N-No, we're just friends." "Don't lie to me Kev, i know something happened," She paused for a moment before looking back up at him, "I can see it when you look at him. Thats not just friendship."

"And i know your concerned for him," She continued, "I know how much he means to you and you should care about who he's with, i get it," She grabbed his hands in her own and pulled them apart from his chest to bring them between their chests, "But i promise i wont hurt him."

"I know you wont.." Kevin agreed, his head hanging slightly as he knew the truth. "Im just.. i don't know how to feel." "You should feel happy for him. Its a shitty thing to hear but Sam needs it. He always rambles about you and i cant help but think you're trying to ignore him in attempt to forget something.... am i right?" She read the boy like a book, her blue eyes glancing at his tightening hands with wonder.

"Take care of him okay? And don't hurt him." He dodged the question, his brown eyes darting up to see her smile bold against her pretty face. "I promise i wont hurt him, and i'll treat him right too. Im sorry it didn't work out, and ill make sure to love him as much as you do." She let go and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly as he felt his eyes turn to glass.

He could trust her, he had to


i'm so sorry this isn't that great, i'm losing interest in this story and its becoming a chore to update...

i had so many plans (i have notes and ideas everywhere in my phone) but just don't have the will to put it in the story or how make it work. if it ends it'll be soon and i guess i can just take out the minor parts and add more time skips..

i might finish it, might not, but it will be very slow.

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