chapter two; weight lifting and flirting with the wrong guy

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i kept my hand against my cheek, my lips pressing on the spoon between my teeth as Castiel spoke gingerly about his favorite color.

"I always liked the color blue." He shoved a bite of the macaroni in his mouth, a shade of red highlighting his cheeks. "I like blue too.." I muttered as i scooped a spoonful of banana pudding, bringing it to my mouth as sam snickered to himself. "Whats so funny, Sammy?" I asked with a mouthful of pudding, my brow raised as i was laced with irritability.

"Nothing man.. You do you-or him." He mumbled the last part to kevin, my arm reaching over the table to punch his shoulder. "What?" Cas asked with his head raised as he chewed on the pasty food. "Nothing dude.. Whats your next class anyway?" I asked changing the subject as he swallowed stiffly. "I think gym.. Is the coach cool?" He asked with a sigh at the end as we all shrugged.

"New kids find that out on their own"




I held my breath as i lifted the weight high over my chest, my arms shaking slightly as i felt sweat slide down my forehead. Dean was next to me, eyes and smile wide as i was lifting the weight up and down with few grunts, the coach also cheering me on "PUSH NOVAK PUSH!" He yelled as i grunted, bringing it down once more before throwing it onto the rack over my head.

I huffed as i wiped my face with my shirt, a small cheer around me causing me to smiled faintly. "See, if Novak here can do it then so can you, animals." The coach spoke in a proud, loud tone as i slipped under the rack, Dean holding out a hand for me. "Good job, didn't know you had it in you." He laughed as i took his hand and hoisted myself up with a scoff. "Yeah.. My brothers and i use to lift at home in the basement." I smiled when his face turned darker shade; a blush against his spotted face.

"How much was that anyway?" He asked quietly as the coach sent everyone to the locker rooms. "100's? Im not sure, coach put them in." I shrugged slightly as he made a small 'oh' with his lips, a small smile forming at the end as we walked to the back of the gym. "So how are you liking Lawrence?" He asked randomly as i pushed open the doors to see every guy with their shirts off, bickering at nothing as the dark lockers hung open.

"Its great i guess.. Everyones nice." I pressed my palms against my joggers, my throat becoming dry as i passed by all the sweaty semi-attractive teens. "Am i one of those everyone?" Dean laughed softly as I nodded with a toothy smile. "Obviously."

I turned my head and saw my locker, a few guys hovering over it as they lifted their arms to spray deodorant. I smirked slightly and put in my combination, my eyes glancing at the numbers sprawled out on my arm.

It clicked open and i sighed in relief as i took the components out, tossing them onto the bench that ran down the hall of lockers. "Aren't you changing?" I asked Dean as i started to lift my shirt up, my eyes closing shut as it ran over my vision. "Y-Yeah-" "Hey babe."

I curled my brows together as i opened my eyes, shirt tucked into my hands as i saw a darker boy shove Dean over slightly with a smile. "Excuse me?" I laughed sourly as i dragged my eyes across his confident appearance.

He was pretty, there was no doubt in that. His skin was dark and was littered with freckles from his cheeks to his lower bare hips. He had pearling light eyes that stared me down as his plump lips curled into a smile.

"You heard me, baby." He ran his tongue over his lips, nibbling at them slightly as i scoffed loudly. "Names Castiel, and i am not your baby." I shoved my shirt in my gym bag and took out the jeans i wore before, setting them against the bench. "Ill change that.." He spoke as i rolled my eyes and yanked my pants down angrily, kicking them to the side as i took my jeans to cover my briefs, both his and Deans eyes widening.

"Damn baby your thick.." His mouth parted open in shock as i made a small embarrassed noise, struggling into my jeans quickly. He reached out and walked forward, my body flinching back as i saw Dean shove his shoulder back. "Alright bud i think he's had enough lay off wont ya?" He spoke deeper, chest rising as the guy only glared at me with a playful smile. "My eyes are up here, man." Dean shoved him back again and the guys face grew cold. "Oh you wanna fight?" He spat.

I quickly threw on my shirt and jumped over the bench, arms spread as i placed my hands on both of their chests to keep them apart. "Dean calm down-" "He's harassing you, I'm anything but calm." He yelled as i pressed my hand against his chest harder.

I turned to the guy and pressed him back with my fingers, his eyes glaring at Dean as his head tilted back with a smirk. "Listen kid, I'm not interested so beat it alright?" I turned back to Dean with pleading eyes. "And don't make things worse okay?" I scrunched his gym shirt into my palm as he turned his head away in annoyance.

"Come on Cole, just go hit on someone else.." Someone spoke as we all turned our heads to see a slim, taller guy call out, his fingers adjusting his shirt collar. "Stay out of it Benny." The apparent 'Cole' guy growled as i dropped my hands down, moving back once i saw Benny raise his brows.

Dean grabbed my wrist and i spun around to see his worried expression. "Hurry up and get your shit, this isn't going to end well." He whispered as i nodded quickly, grabbing my bags once the first punch swung.

I gasped slightly when i felt Dean tug me away, my bags hitting my back repeatably as we ran to the back of the locker rooms, the sounds of skin on skin making me run faster.

We curved when the lockers ended, Dean leading me to double doors, his arm pushing the door open to reveal the schools empty hallways. "Word of advice.. Once you see Cole and Benny talk; run." He smiled slightly as he let go of my wrist to run his hands through his hair.

It was silent after that, Dean taking a look at me before walking in the other direction. I followed him obviously, my school bag plumping up and down as i jogged up next to him.

We walked together in a comfortable silence, and it was nice not having to talk anymore. We went down halls and passed lockers until we reached the gym doors again. "Did we just-" "Go in a circle? Yeah.. And thats why." He pointed his finger at the large windows that showed the coach dragging out Benny and Cole, face dark and angry.

"Im getting my bags, stay here okay?" He smiled and patted my shoulder, but before he left, i grabbed the back of his shirt. "Thanks by the way." I stiffened a smile as he turned and grinned. "Anytime, Cas."

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