chapter ten; john winchester

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I breathed in as he thought for a moment, obviously trying to explain something so unexplainable. No one could really describe color to me, i was never satisfied with the outcome, i just wanted to see what he would say. His voice was intoxicating and i guess the real reason i asked was so i could watch him fall over his words; he was cute flustered.

"Okay so imagine the ocean and a wave of fire bashing together like this.." He smashed his fingers together and looked at me with a grin as he continued. "It swirls around and sometimes can be a light purple at night or special winters." He hummed before looking around, eyes stoping at the bathroom.

"Come ere." He grabbed my hand and dragged me up, scurrying to the door with a faint smile. "So imagine slushies, when you mix two colors together they do that cool fading thing." He opened the door and sat me on the toilet, rummaging above the sink as he grabbed random objects. "Look, this soap is orange." He tapped the cap and squirted it into the sink. "And this, blue." He opened my toothpaste and dragged a line across the liquid running down the drain.

"Watch as i get this and swirl it." He grabbed his toothbrush and used the end to run it across the substances, mixing them together slowly. "Thats kind of how it works." He smirked faintly and turned his head to me with prideful eyes.

I smiled at his childish actions, his tongue poking out between his teeth as he laughed slightly at the mess he was making. He was so pretty when he laughed. "Thank you for the diagram." I leaned on the counter and watched as he continued to swirl the bottom of my toothbrush calmly. "Anytime, babe."

We both froze.

I rose up slowly as his hands started to shake against the plastic of the toothbrush. He paused and quickly rinsed the sunset away, a deep shade of black appearing on his ears and cheeks.

I swallowed thickly and opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a loud voice. "BOYS COME HERE! FOODS ON THE TABLE." I watched as Dean quickly turned around and walked away, leaving me here with the words of his echoing through the room.

I rubbed hand down my face and sighed loudly as i got up to follow Dean, a small flutter if guilt hanging around me. I should of said something sooner i thought as my socks squeaked against the wood flooring.

"Cas are ya allergic to anything?" John asked as i walked into the dim lighting of the kitchen, Dean turned away and Sam glancing at the two of us once he saw my deadpan expression. "No sir." "Alright well help yourself." He gave the smallest smile and i flinched at how Sam was glancing at me with pained eyes.

I walked over next to Dean and grabbed a plastic plate as i looked at the heated box of pizza filled with random toppings. I grabbed a slice and tossed it on my plate as the room fell silent.

"So.. Dean how was school today?" John swallowed a large chunk of pizza and looked up with hooded eyes, his appearance tired and worn down. "Um it was good... we took a test today." Dean and Sam exchanged glances between me and i suddenly felt out if place.

I grabbed a cup and silently poured myself a drink as i listened to their conversation. "Uh, Dad? Are you feeling.. okay?" Sam squeaked as he sipped his soda nervously, fingers tapping the cup as he waited for a response. "Yeah, why ya asking?" John huffed back as he chewed on his pizza with a raised brow. "I-I don't know..." Sam fell silent after that and i quickly understood why he was glaring at me earlier.

"Mr. Winchester," i asked. "Can we eat upstairs?" Dean glanced at me from the corner of his eye as i keep my eyes of their father. "Go ahead, dont make a mess." He waved his hand to get rid of us as he walked over to the living room, falling into the couch with a grunt.

"Sam you can come to." I whispered as i walked around the table, patting his side softly. I walked down the hallway and went into Deans room again, the Winchesters following me as i sat down on his bed. "Okay whats happening between you guys and your Dad?" I questioned to Sam as he sat on the floor next to me, and Dean on the edge of the bed.

"He's acting weird." Sam responded bluntly as he huffed an annoyed groan, his fingers messing with the curl of the plate. "Were just not use to him being around." Dean explained as he leaned back into the bed, arms tucked behind his head as he sighed. "Im sure its nothing-" "No, Cas, you don't understand how it was before. He couldn't give any fucks on what we did or how we where doing. I was failing a class and he didn't even bother to ask which one." Sam threw his hands in the air in frustration before crossing them across his chest. "And nows he's just walkin' into our lives like no big deal! And you sure as hell-" "Shut up Sam! You cant blame Cas for this." Dean growled loudly as he pointed a finger at his younger brother.

"I didn't mean to do anything if i did- Sam look at me." I narrowed my eyes and gripped his shoulder to face him towards me. "I would never intentionally hurt you, you need to know that." He turned his head, yanked his shoulder away and huffed as he got up, eyes puffy and on the verge of tears. "Just leave me alone for a while, please." I saw a tear stream down his cheek as he walked out of the room, and i knew i fucked up big time.

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