chapter twenty four; therapy

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Whats this?? An short update?? So quickly???

How miraculous!!!1!!!1!!!2!!2!


I asked Gabriel to drop me off today, not really wanting to find myself sitting next to someone on the bus. "So tell me again why I'm taking you home?" He asked once again as the radio suddenly dipped down to wordless melodies.

"I got into a fight with Dean- or an argument really. Its a long story." I leaned my head against the window and sighed softy, watching the sun peek from behind the dark buildings. "I have time, so spill." I could feel his grin from here, smiling slightly myself at his tone.

"Alright, but don't tell Dean." "Don't tell him what?" He grinned cheekily and i sat up to tell him everything thats happened this week.

"Yikes happy birthday man. Also where was my invite? Im horribly offended." He scoffed and slowed the car down at the stop sign, turning to me with puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry, i forgot- wait you didn't even know it was my birthday in the first place!" I crossed my arms and chuckled to myself when he shrugged dramatically- if thats even possible. "Beggars cant be choosers," He paused for a moment before continuing, his breath hitching like he was really trying not to say something bad,

"Do you love Dean?" He blurted out, glancing at me from the side as he continued to drive down the street. "Im... not sure." I leaned back into my seat sheepishly, trying to think of everything i've said to him.

"What do you mean 'I'm not sure'? You tell him you love him all the time." Gabriel pointed out, and i chewed on my bottom lip quietly. "Castiel i swear to god-" "I mean it when i say it!" I shouted, the car becoming deadly silent afterwards. I continued.

"I love everyone, Sam, Kevin, you," I sighed softy and looked down at my fingers tapping against each other, "But with Dean its different," i turned to Gabriel with a gentle smile, "I just don't know if its the right love that everyone talks about."

Gabriel thought for a moment, his lips squished together with narrowed eye. "I don't know what else to tell you, but it seems you have your feelings at least somewhat figured out. I'll leave you to that," I noticed my house from afar and frowned slightly when the car started to get slower. "Just don't make a stupid decision and wreak Deans heart, he's really trying here."

The car stopped completely and i turned to Gabriel, his body turned to me with a brotherly like grin. "Ill try and take that advice, thanks Gabe." I leaned over and pulled him to a quick hug, humming at his grip against me. "No problem, brother."

I pulled away and gave him a shy smile before grabbing my bag and opening the door, a wave of relief flooding out the car.


"Cas, honey are you alright?"

I looked up from my plate and stared deeply into my mothers concerned eyes. "Im fine, just tired." I replied, dragging my eyes away from hers before she could read me. "No, you're not, whats wrong?" She questioned again, her head tilting so her eyes meet mine once again.

"I just got into a fight with Dean today, and its bugging me." I hunched my shoulders and ate quietly as i heard the table squeak and shift. "You wanna talk about it? Im an open book. You know you can tell me anything." She smiled faintly and i melted at her kindness.

"I just... really like him and he wasn't paying attention to my needs today and it was.. complicated." I bit my lip, watching her eyes widen slightly at the obvious statement. "Do you... like, like him? Like relationship wise?" She asked, her tone indescribable.

"We uh, we're kind of dating." I felt heat creep up my neck and ears, my face burning dark pigments from the embarrassment. "Oh," Her voice deepened and i choked on my own breath from the blunt reaction. "Well i cant say I'm approve, because i think you need to focus on other things right now," She sighed loudly and looked irritated- disappointed really.

"But if this is what you want, i cant do anything about it. You are yourself and i respect that, but know there will be boundaries from now on." I raised my head at her words, my whole body sitting upright to show i was paying attention.

"Dean is no longer aloud to spend the night, period. He is also not aloud to be in the room with you unattended. No sex, no drugs or-" "Mom," I begged her to stop, not wanting this lecture to continue any longer.

"Alright i rest my case," She smiled, "Now, with the problem in hand, i think you should confront him and explain how you feel." "I already did that, but it didn't go as planned." I replied, grumbling to myself at the event.

"You snapped didn't you? You always snap." "Mom."
"Its true, always a trouble maker you where-"

She smirked, her lips curling up victoriously as she noticed my annoyance. "I say you should give it a day, if he texts you, you'll know he's sorry. If not, then you dump his ass." "Mom!" "My apologies- don't repeat what i said either." She narrowed her eyes and i chuckled at her young attitude.

She always knew how to make me feel better.

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