chapter twenty nine; broken boys

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Dean ignored Cas as they climbed though Deans window, the idea of his father finding him with a beat up face terrifying. "Dean, stop giving me the silent treatment, i've apologized numerous times!" Cas growled as he watched Dean successfully climb inside his room with little grunts. "Dean." Cas called again as he gripped the window and hoisted himself up with a loud groan.

He lifted his leg and hooked it to the windowsill, pulling himself up quickly with a sigh. "Im sorry, please stop ignore me." He pleaded as he fell to his feet, his eyes so tired and drained as they watched Dean lay on the bed.

"I don't want to say something i'll regret." The younger one spoke for the first time since they got out the car, the sound of his voice so pleasing to Castiel.

Cas looked down at his shoes and nodded before turning around to shut the window abruptly. He turned back around and walked over to Dean, looking at the open space on the bed with a half hearted smile.

He sat down and leaned back, his head falling against the pillow as his eyes closed. "I love you," He draped his arm over Deans stomach and tucked himself against the boys side, "and i would never so something to intentionally hurt you." He explained, his eyes opening to see his love turning to face him.

"I know."


Small rocks knocked against Sams window, the sound almost silent, but noticeable in the quite room.

Sam got up to investigate, setting his books and notes to the side as he scooted off of his bed. He jumped to his feet and the boards below him creaked with his weight.

another knock.

The boy quickly walked over to his window and raised the blinds to see Kevin with a hand full of rocks in the palm of his hand. "What the hell..." He whispered to himself as he unhooked his window and slid it over his head. "What are you doing?" He questioned lowly so that his brother across the hall wouldn't hear.

"I wanted to talk... about us." Kevin dropped the rocks in hand ran his hands against his pants nervously as he walked up to the window. "Kev theres nothing to talk about, go home." Sam attempted to shut the window, but the older boy stoped him with a plea. "Sam, please. We need to talk this out." Kevin reached his hands out and grabbed the windowsill faintly.

"Kevin if Dean sees you he'll have a fit. You have to go." Sam moved Kevins hands and closed the window, sighing slightly as he reached up to pull the blinds down. "I talked to Jessica." Sam froze and felt his heart swell up, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion. He quickly let go of the binds and slid his window back up, "About what?"

"She knows about what happened. I didn't tell her but she said she was worried about you," Kevin felt his chest throb and brushed off the feeling before he broke into depressing thoughts, "And i think we should talk about that."

Sam thought for a moment, his finger tapping above his head as he held onto the window tightly. What if they kiss again? Is this a trap? He looked up as if he would get answers, but he had to figure this one out for himself.

With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes and took a step back to give his friend some room. "You have 10 minutes."


Dean was the first to wake up, the sound of tapping loud compared to the soft sighs slipping out of his boyfriends lips.

He looked around and rubbed his eyes, the sound louder along with fuzzed sentences. He glanced at Cas and slowly removed his hand from under the boy, not wanting to disturb his sleep.

He scooted off the bed and stood up, the floor creaking slightly as he walked over to his door, the noise growing clearer with every step. "Kevin, i want to forgive you, but i just... how can i forget something like that?" Kevin? Dean thought, his curiosity edging him closer to his door until his body was pressed against it, ears tuning in on everything.

"Sam, i really don't want to end this, you mean too much to me." "And thats the problem. What if we kiss again? Huh? Or what if Jessica breaks up with me because of you!" "It wont happen again i promise. Sam just give me a chance, please."

Dean felt his stomach churn at the sound of Kevin's voice; his own best friends voice. I cant believe he kissed Sam. He thought to himself, the idea still revolting to him on so many levels. "Babe?"

Dean turned around and saw Cas slowly sit up with his eyes narrowed and pointed directly at him. "What are you doing?" He asked, voice groggily and somewhat confused.

"N-Nothing, uh, you should head back home, its starting to get dark and i don't want your mom to yell at me." The younger boy turned his body away from the door and walked up to Cas with a small smile.

"Shit what time is it?" Cas rubbed his eyes and looked down to see he was still wearing the same clothes, just more wrinkled from his sleep. "Probably 6. You can take baby home, but i don't want a scratch on her when i pick her up tomorrow. Okay?" He kissed Cas' forehead and quickly grabbed the keys from his pocket as he walked over to the window, lifting it up with a grunt.

"Why not just drive me home?" Castiel stood up and knitted his brows together, concerned at the way Dean was acting. "Just take the damn car." He fumbled out an excuse and surprisingly, Cas believed him as he dropped the keys into his palm. "Alright, well i'll see you tomorrow." He walked up to Dean and kissed him hard, his hands pressing against his cheeks for a few moments before he let go with a grin.

"See ya.." Dean couldn't help but grin as Cas threw a leg over the windowsill and hopped off, his feet pressing hard against the grass. What a catch... He thought as he watched his boyfriend walk over to his car with the keys bouncing in his hand.

Dean kept a close eye, and made sure Cas' was far gone before he spun around on his heel to continue listening to the conversation, his curiosity getting the best of him.

He ran over and pressed his ear against his door, the voices still talking loud enough for him to interpret.

"Sammy-" "Dont call me that." "Sam, i just want you to know that i care, alright? Im still your friend whether you like it or not and you cant change what happened that night, its over and done." "You act like i can just forget that! No matter how hard i try, i cant Kevin. I want to forget so we can move on, but i just cant. Im sorry but just- just- get out. This conversation is finished and so are we." "Sam-" "No. Get out of my house now before i get Dean o-or call the cops."

Dean pushed away from the door and felt his throat swell from regret. I shouldn't of listened He thought as he heard the small sound of a window being lifted. Fucking hell this is so wrong.. He took a few steps back, not even caring about how his brother and best friend where in the same room, his mind just filled with ways to apologize to his little brother.

I shouldn't of listened

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