chapter twenty eight; white knuckles

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Imagine this playing when cas throws the first punch :)


I decided to take Cas on a small date, thinking everything would run smoothly, but like always, it was ruined by someone.

The first glance set me off edge, my hand clenching Cas' under the table as the oh-so-familiar face frowned at us. "Cas we better leave, Cole looks like he's about to explode." I said as i leaned in closely, hovering over the burgers and fries laid out on the table. "Yeah, i noticed..." He narrowed his eyes and i knew he was looking Cole dead in the eyes.

"He's such a jackass! Cant he take a hint that I'm not interested?" Cas grumbled, hunching slightly as he murmured slurs to himself. "Wanna show him?" I suggested playfully, but before i could take it back, Cas agreed and reached over to grab my hair and pull me to his face.

I was taken off guard but saw him raise his middle finger up next to our heads as he kissed me hard. I moaned softy at his sudden temper, not use to seeing him so dominate, and reached up to cup his cheek and pull us closer together.

I heard a sudden pop and Cas was the first to pull away.

He stood up abruptly and before i could question, Cole was next to us with his face burning red in anger. "Do something, i dare you." Cas threatened as he stepped forward, his fists clenched against his sides.

"Cas, calm down--" "Shut up twink." Cole spat, his brown eyes glaring at me for only a moment before they went back to Cas'

I stood up, my chair knocking behind my legs before it fell to the ground with a thud. I didn't speak, but i knew i was turning red about my cheeks from the heat creeping up my neck.

"Sit down or get out the restaurant!" A worker slammed their hands on a table to get out attention, but none of us moved. "I said--"

Cas threw the first punch, his fist locking right between Coles nose, and thats when hell broke lose.

Screams of anger and slurs rang though my ears, and i grabbed Cas' arm, yanking him away as he yelled and cussed at Cole. "Do something! I fucking dare you! You cant do shit to me!" He tried to pull his wrist away, but i held him tighter and dragged him backwards as someone held Cole back. "Castiel calm down." I urged, but he wasn't listening, his mouth spilling random sentences as they both argued back and forth.

I felt a sudden sting on my cheek and hissed, dropping Cas' arm as i brought my hands to my face. I didn't see what happened, but i felt and saw blood seep down my skin and into my palm. "You bitch!" Cas screamed, lunging onto a guy that held the silver knife in his hand. "Cas wait!" I attempted, but before i could stop him, i heard a yelp and saw the knife drop to the ground, the sound booming like shattered glass against the floor.

He was throwing punches, his fist clenching white, but every time he raised it to start again, blood started to coat his knuckles.

I wiped my cheek and turned my head to see blue and red highlight the windows, the sounds of sirens echoing in my head. "We have to go, now."  I reached over and pulled him off the guy by his shirt, tugging his arms behind his back as i dragged him away from the scene.

He got the memo and we both made our way to the emergency exit, and luckily we made it there before the cops did. We ran down the small alleyway and behind the building, making a full circle around the restaurant to get to my car without being seen. I saw the impala and i made him go first, both of us walking causally, but discreetly, to the car so we wouldn't draw attention.

I opened the doors and we both hopped in with an intake of breath. "Cas you fucking idiot!" I yelled, turning to him to see a bruise against his jaw, his blue eyes directly at me. "He started it! He was being a prick and i defended myself! Benny cant fight all our fights Dean, i had to stand up for myself!" He argued, wiping his mouth with the blood on his  hand.

"Castiel, your knuckles are beat up and i have a cut on my face! Thats not standing up for yourself!" I reached over to his side and opened the glove department to grab the extra bandaids and napkins inside, throwing them on his lap before i grabbed some for myself. "What else did you want me to do? Let him talk shit to your face?" He asked.

"Who cares? Let him talk shit, he's not worth out time." I pressed a napkin to my cheek and hissed at the feeling, "I don't need you getting hurt over shit like this, you could of gotten yourself stabbed or taken in by the cops!" I dragged the paper down and brought it to my view to see it was now red with spots of blood.

I cussed under my breath and opened the large bandaids, looking into my rearview mirror to position it correctly before pressing it to my cheek. "Im sorry, okay? I just got heated and.. and i didn't like the way he was talking to us." Cas sighed softy and i turned to him with a frown.

"Patch yourself up and tell your mom you're coming to my place for a while." I said, pulling the keys out of my pocket to start the car.

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