chapter three; sweater weather

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I awoke with a loud groan, everything on my ceiling its usual boring faded colors and fucked up pigments. "Castiel i packed your lunch, its in the fridge! Im heading to work, love you!" I heard a frail voice call from downstairs, it obviously belonging to my mother. "Be safe!" I croaked loudly as i heard the door slam shut, the house now quiet and mellow.

I groaned as i rubbed my eyes and sat up, everything spinning madly as if i was on a ride. I grabbed my forehead and shut my eyes quickly, opening them slowly to see everything was back to normal. "What a head rush.." I mumbled as i kicked the sheets away from my legs, jumping up to start my morning.

I walked into my closet and grabbed a comfy sweater i bought last week, the material soft and plump against my figure as i slipped it over my bare skin. "So warm." I smiled, rubbing my arms up and down the material quickly before letting out a large sigh of relief. I quickly put on my jeans and shoes, lacing them up quickly as i trotted to my mirror.

I was still the same, made of disoriented colors and curly hair that rested down my forehead. I ran my hands through it quickly and grabbed the gel that was tossed onto the floor beside it, carding my hands through the tangles and knots. "Could be worse." I smiled faintly as it looked better than before i put in effort.

I ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth as i looked at my gleaming eyes that reflected back at me. "Blue huh?" I announced as i spit into the sink, tilting my head so that i could try and make up the color that I've heard before.

I know what colors where, and i knew i had blue eyes even before Kevin told me, but now it just made me even more curious at what the color really looked like. It sounded nice, thats for sure.

I blinked a few times before i ran down the double stairs and into the kitchen to throw a pop tart into the toaster. I grabbed my phone from the charger on the counter as i waited, setting it against the sink as i set a timer and backed up.

I gave a quick smile as the camera flashed in 3 seconds, frowning once it was over. I walked back to my phone and sent the image to my older brother, Luke, to make sure i wasn't looking like a total mess.


[imaged attached]

- good, nice sweater btw u loser

thanks :) <3

- say hi to mom for me

will do, satan

- i told you to stop calling me that

sorry satan :(

I chuckled to myself as i clicked my phone off and put it into my pocket, the toaster immediately popping up after.

I ran upstairs and swung my bag against my back, turning off the lights as i went back downstairs to grab my keys and 'breakfast'. I took a bite and quickly walked down the silent hall to my door where i opened and exited in one swift motion.


i wiped my face as i boarded onto the bus, everyone on their own phones or staring outside as if they where on their way prison. "Hey Cas!" I looked forward to the back and smirked when i saw Kevin wave at me ecstatically, a big toothy smile gleaming on his face.

I grinned and quickly walked to the back where i was careful not to trip on any loose legs or bad intentions. "Kevin, wheres the gang?" I asked taking a seat at the very back with him, his whole body shifting over so i had room. "Well Deans at the front with his cool friends; surprised you didn't see him, and Sam takes a different bus since he's a freshman."

I did a double take as at both pieces of information. "Wait, really?" I thought he was a sophomore.. "But how did he eat lunch with us? I thought we're separated by grade." I cocked a brow as i leaned into my seat, everyone still boarding. "Well, thats obviously Deans younger brother and lunch is the only period he can get with him. So no one bothers telling Sam to get out; especially teachers. Whatever Dean says goes.. He's kind of popular ya know." Kevin laughed softly as i made a small 'oh', shocked at how someone could have so much power at our age.

I frowned when the bus started, small chatter and eyes slowly drifting back to me and Kevin. "Do i have something on my face?" I questioned as i turned to him slightly, covering my lower face with the sleeve of my sweater. "No, what are you talking about?" Kev tilted his head slightly and looked around to see the eyes lingering. "Maybe your sweater?" He whispered, causing me to drop my hand with a pout.

"Whats wrong with my sweater?"


The bus ride was slow, every one either sleeping or chatting like there was no tomorrow; both equally normal for us. "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE OFF, HAVE A GOOD DAY!" The cheery bus driver gave a large smile as we all groaned in unison, gathering our things quickly as we managed to trudge off.

I whipped my bag over my shoulder, Kev already marching up to the front as i was caught in the traffic of kids ahead of me. "Hey, Castiel!" I raised my head up and saw Dean with a small group of friends, each laughing suspiciously low to themselves. I gave a small wave in response as i walked forward slightly, a faint smile forming on my lips as i neared the pretty boy and his group.

"Nice sweater." He grinned as the group hovered behind him, everyone looking utterly unpleasing as they snickered together. "T-Thank you." I raised a brow, as i was confused on if it was a serious complement or not. "Yeah its nice, for a girl!" His friend chimed in before exploding into laughter, Deans expression changing once he noticed i was suddenly embarrassed and even more confused than before.

"How can an article of clothing be gender based?" I questioned as i made my way down the aisle with an astonished scoff, completely ignoring the attempts of apologies Dean shouted after.

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