chapter seven; too young to be in love

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i just really like this song :")


I woke up to the feeling of an arm draped around me and pillows surrounding my body. I peeled my eyes open and yawned, stretching slightly before i turned over to see who i slept with.

My eyes grew wide when i realized Cas didn't have long brown hair. "SAM!?" I screeched in disbelief as i franticly sat up and rolled off the bed, a fellow shriek following after. "I SAID FUCK THE CLOWNS!" He yelled.

I quickly rose to my feet with a deep blush. "Dude what the fuck? i thought you where Cas!" I growled as he only yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Well i thought you where Kevi-Wait did you do something gay?" "Ew, no, gross, what the fuck!" I scrunched my nose as Sam let out a chuckle. "Don't lie, if you woke up next to Cas you would of been so gay." He sneered as i grabbed one of the pillows and chucked it at him with a pout.

"Hold on, did you say you thought i was Kevin?" I suddenly realized as he turned red around the cheeks, bringing the pillow up to cover his face. "Dude no way! Do you like him?" I teased as he stayed silent and fixed his floppy hair. "I don't know... so what if i do?" He whispered as i felt my cheeks hurt from the large grin on my face. "Looks like being homo runs in the family.." i chuckled as he gasped slightly.

"Wait you're homo?" "Are you fucking serious?" I scoffed as he shrugged and laughed slightly. "What? You never brought any boyfriends home so i never thought about it... but i kind of guessed you where."

I laughed loudly as i sat down next to him. "Remember Jacob from 10th year? Totally banged him when you went to the corner store." "I thought he was your study partner!" "Sam we didn't even get to question two." I rolled my eyes as he nodded slowly to himself.

"Alright so we established the fact that were homo, but i don't think we should tell Dad. Promise not to say anything until I'm ready." His eyes grew serious as he looked up to me, worry hinting in his voice.

"Okay, deal." I held out my pinky and he sighed before latching his own, shaking it slightly before letting go to look away. "Come on, lets wake up the others." I ruffled his hair and stood up with a faint smile before walking out with Sam close behind.

Thats one way to start a morning...



I rolled to my side in a dazed sleep, eyes scrunching up as i smacked my lips together. "Morning sleepyhead, we made some grub." His voice was soft, his presence warm and comforting as i opened my eyes to see him. "Goodmorning, Dean." I whispered as i realized there was only a gap between our faces. "Nice sleep?" He smiled softly, lips curling up as i yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Could be better."

I heard the kitchen chattering behind the couch as we spoke simple sentences, the voices of everyone calming me even more. "How so?" He teased as he crossed his arms on my pillow, resting his creek against his hands with a droopy smile. "Cuddling with someone would of been nice." I smirked as he raised his brows. "So the infamous Novak does know how to flirt! Wouldn't of ever guessed it." He winked as i only rolled my eyes and wiggled my body closer.

"Thats not the only thing i can do." I whispered very close to his lips with a hum before pushing upright with a sneer. "Morning everyone!" I announced as i threw the blanket off me, Dean still comprehending what just happened as he stuttered over his words again. "Goodmorning hun."

I turned around and saw my mother in the kitchen with Sam, cleaning the dishes as Kevin put things on plates. "Late night?" I asked as i stood up and stretched, making sure to pull my shirt up to tease my little friend who was still looking up at me on the floor.

He covered his face as it grew dark, eyes bulging out before turning away to scamper off. "Something like that... i have your plate ready on the table." She chuckled faintly as i nodded and walked around the couch to greet my friends slaving away.

"Are you guys allergic to anything?" My mother asked as everyone shook their head expect for Kevin. "I cant eat Mushrooms." He glanced at the plates of food and let out a breath of relief as my mom laughed. "Ah neither can I! Not allergic, just hate them." She covered her fading smile and handed him a plate as i grabbed mine and walked to the table with another yawn.

Sam followed suit shortly after, Dean being last as he sat across from me, not daring to make eye contact. "Okay so who put us in the same bed?" Sam asked randomly, Kevin choking on his apple juice as he started to laugh. I covered my smile with my cup as he glanced at me with a darkened face. "It was you wasn't it!" He whined at me as i looked down at my food and set my cup down with a grin. "Don't look at me Kevin was the one who laid Dean down first."

All eyes went to Kevin and he sipped his juice with a smile. "Kevin! You ass!-" "Language!" My mother shouted from the kitchen as she dropped a cup into the sink, the sound causing us to grow quiet as Kevin and I smiled wickedly to ourselves. "Ill get you, just you see.." Sam whispered as he shoved a pancake into his mouth, waving his fork at Kevin's giggling stance.

I poked at my eggs as they continued to bicker to themselves, my mind wondering to Dean as he mumbled responses and snorted jokes. His smile sure was pretty, and quite dorky if you asked me, but it was a nice change rather than seeing him over confident and bold in school.

I sure did like him, and if it wasn't clear now, i made it obvious this morning. I wasn't in love with Dean, probably wont ever be, but i like him a lot, and thats something.

Sam was a nice kid, and his brother most likely helped along with the brains and intelligence he has. He was a cute one really, the way he pouted and groaned in argument against Dean, or when his hair flopped behind his ears when he walked, it was funny how he out of all people was related to Dean.

I wouldn't of guessed quite honestly.

"Cas, buddy, are you going to eat that?" I blinked and looked up to see Dean motioning his fork to my plate of eggs. I shook my head and slid it over to him, his smile bright as he licked his lips.

I cant believe i fell in like with this guy

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