chapter twenty one; mixed signals

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"So tell me whats its like Castiel?" She asked softy as the table grew silent, everyones eyes drifting up from their cake filled plates to look at him.

"Hannah, i already told you, its great... amazing really. Now i can finally see your red acne from over here!" Cas replied happily and everyone giggled in response. "You know what? I think im starting to see colors too! That purple and red combo sure is matching your outfit, Cassie." Hannah snapped back just as she took a sip of her water.

Castiels mother raised a brow at the comment and covered her cake filled mouth as she spoke. "Where is he wearing red or purple?" She asked innocently before swallowing her dessert. "Shes just teasing, Mom." Cas laughed nervously as he glared at his older sister with a fire in his eyes.

I kept my cool and looked around the table with a faint smile, trying to ignore Kevin and Sam poking and teasing each other as they glanced at me with nasty grins. "So, Dean, have you gotten your friend a present yet?"

I looked down at my plate, staring at the few crumbles of cake instead of my fathers eyes across the table. "Yeah, it was the glasses." I whispered softy, still shaken up about earlier. "How'd you get the money?" He questioned calmly as if he was trying to keep his temper.

"Cas' mom helped and i saved up for a month." I replied, my voice growing thin as i recalled the events from earlier.

"Oh my god Dean, you're such a love sap..." Cas smiled faintly as i leaned against his door to give him a better view. "What, too cheesy?" I questioned with a slightly blush as i glanced at his bed that held a plate of strawberries and popcorn, the tv showing the movie selections on Netflix.

"No, its perfect." He smiled saintly and walked over to his second, and last, gift of the day.


I looked over at him just as he was in mid-bite of the last strawberry, the movie still playing in the background. "You look cute all snuggled against my side." I pointed out happily as he covered his mouth and shoved me away. "Oh shut up."

"Make me." "Is that an invitation?"

I grinned when he leaned over to kiss my cheek, his hand sliding down my forearm before intertwining our fingers. "You have been shutted the up." He smiled resting his head against my shoulder.

The door didn't faze me or Cas before it was too late.

"Hey Castiel--Woah whats going on?"

I felt my skin grow cold and my fingers clench tightly against Cas as i looked towards the door to see Dad and Sam with equally shocked faces. "You're early." I felt Cas let go of my hand when i stood up, throwing the thin blanket off of me nervously.

"Yeah, we wanted to help set up..." He narrowed his eyes at me, then Cas before stuttering out a question. "W-Wheres Ms. Novak?"

"I-In the kitchen." Cas pipped in from behind, his face blushing red as his hands pressed against his sides, fingers curling into the material as he spoke.

"T-Thanks, uh, Happy Birthday.." Dad nodded his head in thought and awkwardly set a ballon, with a weight tied to it, on the table next to the door before leaving with Sammy close behind.

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