chapter nineteen; birthday wishes

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fuck me up guys this is going to be fluffy and happy as fuck :)))

slight smut towards the end


"So, i've decided to let you open one present tonight," She started, taking a sip of her water with a smile. "But you have to help me wash the dishes." I looked up from my plate and raised a brow, taking a bite of chicken and mash potatoes. "Can i pick the present?" I questioned. "Nope."

I frowned slightly but nodded, Dean chiming in from my side. "Im guessing its not the present, right?" He asked my mother. She shook her head and poked at her food, her eyes glancing at me quickly before looking away. "What present?" I furred my brows at their suspicious attitude, turning my head to Dean who only shrugged. "You'll see tomorrow."

I pouted at the response and shoved the last bite of green beans into my mouth, sitting up abruptly as i did so. "Put your dish away and wait at the couch," She said. "You too Dean."

I tossed the plate into the sink and sighed as i rinsed it off, Dean making his way over to me shortly after. "5 more hours till your 19." He elbowed my side and grinned, putting his plate in top of mine then following me to the couch across the island.

I sat down with a plop and sighed loudly, stretching my limbs once Dean wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "You know i'll be older than you.." I chuckled softly, his lips smirking cheekily as he leaned into my ear. "I always liked older guys."

I shoved him away and we laughed loudly, my mothers footsteps bringing us to a silent smile. "Happy birthday Castiel!" She set the medium sized present onto the coffee table and sat across from us with a large grin.

I reached over and gingerly unwrapped the box, tossing the paper behind me with excitement. "No way," I exclaimed as i revealed the gift. "What is it?" Dean asked behind me, obviously knowing what it was before me. "A record player," I looked on top of it and saw a vinyl taped to it. "And Channel Orange?" I turned to Dean and he smiled slightly in response. "I heard you listening to him last week."

I grinned and jumped onto him, hugging him tightly. "Hey, im not the only one who bought it!" He laughed into my ear. I pulled away and turned back to my mom to hug her too. "Thank you." I hummed into her hair, her fingers curling into my shirt happily.


"So how about a movie?" I looked up from my record player and raised a brow as i watched Dean lean against the dark couches. "I kind of wanted to listen to this album..." i muttered, slipping the vinyl out of its thin cardboard cover.

I smiled at the shine of the circular lines, the rooms lighting reflecting straight through. I gingerly placed it onto the track and moved the nettle to the center. I pressed a button and it crackled like a flame before playing the first song.

I stood up with a smile and walked over to Dean, sitting down next to him with my head against his shoulder. I hummed at the warmth and closed my eyes as the song filled the room. "So," He started, "How long u till you get the projector?" "Soon. Mom said she ordered it last week." I explained as i opened my eyes to see Dean looking at me with a soft smile.

I felt my lips tug upward as he leaned down to press a chapped kiss against me. "What was that for?" I grinned as he just kept his eyes upon mine.

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