chapter eighteen; forest gump by frank ocean

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i feel this song relates to this story deeply, i hope you enjoy it :)

the album is called: channel ORANGE


The brightness of the cafeteria blinded me, a swarm of pain shooting right into my temples once i covered my eyes. I covered my head and leaned into the table, the silence so abnormal it made my stomach churn. I swallowed a growing lump in my throat and shifted slightly for a better position.

I was currently waiting for Cas to finish his tutoring since he was playing a game later, and i promised him i would join. I made that promise before i was hungover.

I groaned slightly and tried to sleep, but a pair of hands woke me up. "Hey, baby? Im done with my tutoring.." His voice was so calm and filled with concern, the way his fingers rubbed my back soothingly made me want to pass out here in his arms.

I heard his bag rustling and i lifted my head to see Advil and a water bottle being placed down. "Whats-" "I knew you where hungover once you kissed me this morning." He chuckled softly as he popped the cap open, shaking out two capsules before closing it back up again. "You don't have to come to the game." He explained.

I sat up and grabbed the medication, popping the pills into my mouth as i opened the water and took a huge gulp. I swallowed thickly with a few grunts before replying dryly. "Im going to your game."

Castiel smiled softly, his face plastered with concern as he cupped my cheek tenderly. He brought my face to his and placed a long kiss on my forehead with a hum before pulling away. His hand found mine against the table and they intertwined together, pulling me up to his height.

My eyes felt droopy and tired, but i kept them open to see his blue eyes fall against me. "Even hungover i think you still look great.." I mumbled softly as he grinned and shoved me away with a short. "You're such a love sap." He turned around and dragged me behind him, our fingers barley holding on to each other with a thin string.

"Cas?" I spoke softly as the worlds fell from my mind, everything spilling out here and now. "Yeah?" His feet skirted across the schools tile, scuff marks painting his trail to the gym. "I love you." I sighed happily as my vision spotted light and dark, the world slowly turning black when i closed my eyes to rid his pretty figure and motion. 

I heard him laugh, a faint and gentle sound that echoed through the halls. He knew i loved him, i always told him, but i still like hearing his reaction every time i reminded him. "I love you too, sleepy head." I opened my eyes slightly and noticed i let go of his hand, my own laying lip along my sides.

"Did you give me Advil PM?" I scolded him slightly with a yawn. He shrugged and wrapped a hand around me, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips. "Maybe i did, but it doesn't happen that quickly, you're just tired." I felt chapped lips on my cheek and i grinned at the warmth.

I kept my eyes closed and let Cas guide me, the sounds of his shoes and a squeaky door lead me to believe that we where already in the gym. His lips pressed against my ear as he patted my back slightly, "You can go sleep in the bleachers until the game." He said.

With a small shove i woke up and saw his team practicing; volleyballs flying across the room. "Here," I dragged my eyes back to him, then down to see a pastel pink jacket in his hands. "Thanks." I smiled softly as i took it and walked over to the row of bleachers.

I tugged the soft sweater over me and sat down with a grunt, my hands squished against my sides and my back leaned into the seats. I watched intently as he ran down the court, his body swiftly moving to receive a bad pass. He dove and caught it just in time before pushing up to get ready for the next one.

I smirked proudly to myself and closed my eyes, letting sleep wash over me instantly.


"Dean," I fluttered my eyes open to see Cas with his bag thrown against his shoulder, sweat littering his forehead and his cheeks where blown red. "Practice is over, get up so we can go home." His voice was frail, and he took heavy breaths as i sat up and stretched. "What about the game?" "It got canceled last minute." He frowned slightly at the thought. "So who's picking us up?" I questioned grabbing my bag. "My mom."

I stood up and yawned slightly, bringing my arms down to his shoulders where i wrapped them around his neck. "You know," i pulled us closer together, "You're irresistible with your messy hair and sweaty face." I lightly kissed his lips and pulled back with a grin to see he was smiling to himself. "If you think this is hot, just wait till I'm underneath you tomorrow." He cupped my neck and kissed me again, making sure to run his hands up my hair.

"Why do we have to wait till tomorrow?" I groaned once me pulled away, his fingers tapping against my neck. "Because its a gift from you to me, the birthday boy." He bounced on his toes and grinned like a child, his eyes scrunching closed as he hummed. "Oh right, you're turning 18 tomorrow.." I nodded slowly, remembering when he told everyone last week.

"Yep and i expect something nice waiting for me at home..." He wiggled his eyebrows and i laughed loudly before pulling him away with a warm smile. "Oh trust me, it'll be something nice." I grabbed his hand and walked to the double doors, his fingers patting lightly against mine as our shoes tapped along the floor.

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