chapter four; one colorblind lunch

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I ran my fingers through my hair, a small smirk against my lips as i thought about nothing in particular. I waved and winked at a few people, my hands now shoved in my plump letterman jacket that i borrowed from a friend. "Hey Dean, you on the football team?" A tall girl asked, her index finger running circles around her blond hair. "No, not yet baby." I laughed slightly as she giggled to herself and nodded. "Well if ya can, ask coach if they have a girls team, my girlfriend wants to tryout." She sighed contently before striding down the halls, leaving me astonished.

I had no problem with gays, or any sexuality for that matter, hell i was bisexual myself, but i wouldn't of guess she was out of all the hooks around school.

With a gawking jaw, i scoffed slightly and shoved the lunch doors open to see an even larger crowd hanging around. I scanned the area for a certain someone and smiled when i saw him chatting with a friend in the lines.

I rose my chest and fixed my hair as i jogged around, skipping people as i grew closer to his very noticeable appearance. "Hey, Cas!" I called, his body turning around slightly with a stupid grin. "Hey." He gave a short wave and continued his conversation, yet i made it short lived as i wrapped an arm around him.

Cas sighed loudly, his head rolling back slightly. "And this is Dean..." He explained with a grin. "Hiya." I flashed a smirk and pulled Castiel closer as they raised a brow at me. "Are you like, his boyfriend or something?" He asked suspiciously, both our cheeks burning red as we stumbled over each others words. "NO!"

I quickly removed my arm and shoved my hands into my jacket as Cas covered his red face. "My apologies. Names Gabriel, I'm new." Gabe chuckled slightly before i nudged Cas' side, his body flinching as he turned his head to me. "Hi, can i borrow him for a sec.?" I grabbed my friends hand and dragged him to the side when Gabe gave us his approval.

"Whats up?" Cas asked with concern as he swayed against the soles of his shoes. "Nothing.. I just um.. Wanted to uh say sorry about earlier. It was ah-a joke." I stuttered out as i looked around to avoid eye contact. "Its alright i guess... Work on your jokes will ya?" Cas sighed as he cupped his arm with a sigh.

"Its just that pink is a girls color, why did you even buy it?" I blurted out as Cas only shrugged in response. "I didn't know it was pink- i mean i wasn't thinking." He explained sourly as i chewed the inside of my mouth slightly. "Well if you need a jacket you can always ask, man." I chuckled faintly as Cas nodded to himself.

"Sorry it bothered you so much, Dean." He whispered as i felt my chest tighten with regret. "Nonono it didn't- i just- I'm not use to it, thats all. Its different." I shrugged as Cas nodded once again in semi-agreement.

With a heavy sigh i wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him along as i went back to the line with perused lips. "Ill buy you lunch, my treat, okay?" I gave a faint smile as he stayed silent, shimmering blue eyes looking ahead.


"Um, Dean?" He started, his fingers messing with the fry that stuck out of his tray. "Yeah?" I replied as i looked up with a hint of concern. "I have two things to say." Cas explained. "C-Can you get me something to drink?" "Alright, and?" I stood up and grabbed his cup, my fingers curling around the thick plastic as he coiled his body slightly. "I-I um.. You see.."

I raised a brow at his nervous expression, my arms locking back as i tapped of the cup patiently against my side. "Im colorblind." He sputtered out, hands immediately clamping over his mouth after as his blue eyes widened in shock. "Cool, what do you want to drink?" I laughed slightly at his expression and over dramatic body language.

"Y-You- i um- water is fine." He grew quiet as he slowly sunk into his chair, grabbing a fry to nibble on as i shook my head and walked away. "Colorblind..." I hummed to myself as i looked over my shoulder to see Cas leaning over his tray with a soft expression and tender movements. "Interesting.."

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