chapter eleven; goodnight, dean

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A short chapter my dudes :)


"Come on, let's just go to bed." Dean sat up and rubbed his eyes as he looked away, staring at anything but myself. "O-Okay." I looked down and clamped my hands together softly as i felt the bed creak from the loss of weight.

I looked up and squeezed my fingers tighter when i saw him hover over his dresser with his shirt off, rummaging through for what i assumed was something else. "Here, you can wear this." He tossed a faded black shirt to me and turned back around as he slipped a white shirt over his freckled chest.

I swallowed a growing lump in my throat and untangled my hands as he walked over to the bed and got inside, glancing away from me as i fumbled with the bottom of my shirt. "Where am i going to sleep..?" I questioned as i took my shirt off and slipped his on, looking around the room to figure out my sleeping area. "Oh, right... theres a couch downstairs." He whispered the last part and pulled the covers over him as i got up from the bed.

I felt stupid thinking Dean would invite me to sleep with him; its not like we where together, even though it sure felt like it. I sighed in thought and walked out of the room and into the darkness of the hallway, cautiously avoiding the creaks in the floorboards.

I peeked over to the living room and saw the TV luminated with a show, the volume high as the static echoed in my ears. I turned my head to where the light was going and saw John asleep with his head pressed against the cushions, the lighting glowing his five o'clock shadow.

I narrowed my eyes and hummed as i turned back around into the darkness, scurrying back down the hallway and into Deans room. I held my breath as i pushed open his door, poking my head in to see him deep inside the covers and fast asleep. "Dean?" I called quietly as i closed the door behind me, tip toeing to the edge of his bed. "Dean." I reached over and shook his side, his body coiling as he rummaged with the sheets above him. His voice was laced with sleep as he groaned in annoyance. "What?" "Your dads asleep on the couch.."

I heard another sigh as he scooted over to the wall and raised his duvet. I quickly climbed in with him and thanked him in a hushed whisper as he nodded and turned to me with his eyes drooping shut. I felt my breath hitch as he raised his arm up again, bringing the blanket up with him.

I felt confused at his action, debating if he was referring to what i thought he apposed. I swallowed my worries and wiggled closer to him in hopes of being correct.

i was.

He smiled ever so faintly and wrapped his arms around me with a sigh as his breath slowed to almost nothing. My face heated up as thoughts swarmed my mind, his hands squeezing my lower back as he slowly fell back asleep.

My eyes where wide as i drunkly stared at his features with an immense amount of interest. I smiled at his long lashes that rested against his eyes gingerly, the ends curling up perfectly. His plump lips where parted and i held myself back from pressing my fingers against them in awe of how soft they really where. Then came his freckles.

Like tiny constellations, specked against his tan skin. Some where deep shades of grey and others faintly pressed white like ghosts; practically not even there. "You're so pretty." I whispered in a hushed tone as i reached my fingers up to lightly run them along his freckles. I traced random patterns and smiled as he shifted slightly and dozed back off again. I bright my hand back down and sighed, a frown tugging at my lips.

"Its funny how easy it is to talk my heart out when your sleep huh?" I laughed dryly and tucked my hands under his back, pressing my face against his shirt as i spoke. "I didn't mind when you called me babe earlier... it was nice." I explained as i drew patterns into his shirt with a tired yawn. "You're hard to read, but when you held my hand in public, it was clear you feel something towards me. I just hope its something good." I smiled and closed my eyes as i rubbed my face into his neck.

"I wish i could kiss you sometimes..." I mumbled out as i felt my body slowly shut down into a comfortable warmth. "Goodnight, Dean." I slurred as i finally let myself go, letting sleep take over for once as i laid limp in his arms.

"Goodnight, Cas."

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