Chapter One: Welcome to the Homefront

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"No, that's wrong!"

How many times had I shouted that? Twice? Five times? With the despair that welled within me threatening to overflow, I was beginning to lose count of our trials. The words rushed out of my mouth before I contemplated whether what I was thinking was right. They carried across the courtroom loudly, turning everyone's attention to me.

"T-that....that isn't what happened." I stuttered, sure that they were doubting me again.

"Oh yes, let's all listen to what Hon'yomi has to say, because she clearly knows what she's talking about." Ryu said, criticism and annoyance dripping in his voice.

My hands grew sweaty as I thought of the next words that would leave my mouth and I found myself clenching the podium before me. My words would lead us to another moment none of us wanted to face, another execution we didn't want to see.

Not for the first time, my thoughts tumbled over themselves towards the beginning. Towards the start of our despair. I tried to fathom how I could possibly say the words that were waiting within me to be said. I tried to fathom how what I was about to say was...right.

As colors and words echoed through my mind, the walls around us seemed to fold upon themselves. I glanced around the room but without warning it began spinning. Faces of my classmates swirled together and the sound of Monokuma mocked me through the chaos. I felt myself struggling blindly for the podium I had been clinging to so tightly before. But hands grasped empty air, my eyes went dark and the world soon followed after.

* * *

My name is Hon'yomi Nakajima and I've just been enrolled at Hope's Peak academy. The day I received my acceptance letter my life became a whirlwind of excitement and hope. No other person in my family had ever received such a chance as attending the most elite high school in the world.

Hope's Peak Academy is a school reserved only for the very best of students and their talents are what get them through the door. Their skills can range from being the best martial artist to simply being lucky. In the past, those who don't make it in have tried to dispute the worth of many of the titles students enter under, but Hope's Peak has always made the final decision.

Since the accepted students are the very best at what they do, they are given the title of 'Ultimate' to acknowledge their honed skill. As an 'Ultimate' they are given the option of attending Hope's Peak and becoming the hope of the future. Anyone accepted would have to be insane to turn them down because the fact is: if you graduate from Hope's Peak, you'll be set for life.

After my own letter my life drastically began to change. I was going to Hope's Peak Academy! The anxious waiting and longing to finally arrive plagued me in the time that followed, until I stepped foot in front of the doors...

A soft wind blew across my face as I stood at the entrance. I couldn't lie, at this moment the excitement seemed to be swallowed up by the enormousness of the building before me. The towering windows glinted dully with the thriving city behind, and the door looked ominous in the grey light of the cloudy day.

I couldn't help it, at the sight of my future, my breath began to rush loudly from my lips, and my feet longed to push myself forward. But, there was one thing holding me back. I was afraid. Afraid that I wouldn't be accepted by the other Ultimates. When I thought about it, if I was ever compared to the Ultimate Leader, or Doctor, my title as the Ultimate Poet would be dwarfed in comparison.

Though, I supposed I was being a bit ridiculous. They had already accepted me as an Ultimate so I didn't have to be afraid. If none of the other students liked me then I wouldn't have to make friends with them to continue with my studies. I didn't need others to like me.

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