Chapter Two: Despair on the Homefront

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"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"

A body had been discovered. I was sure none of us needed reminding of the fact. Everyone was by the lake at this point.

'but it is not of the peak which we stand.'

"Are you okay?" Kena's voice was loud in my ear.

Her words dashed the phrase from my mind. Brushing my dripping bangs back, I nodded. "Y-yeah." I wondered how convincing I sounded, especially since I had just lost what little food I'd eaten. Kena and I moved away from my sick while I longed for a glass of water.

"Can you believe it?" Kaz said, his voice was thick with fear.

No one answered.

My eyes found their way back to Hana and I noticed Toshiro hadn't left her side. Instead, he sat next to her looking lost. I wondered if he felt how I did.

As if sensing my thought he looked over to me, his expression unchanging. I dropped my eyes.

Hana Kuno, the Ultimate Sailor was dead and now the rest of us had to prepare for a trial. That's right. We had to prepare... We had to figure out who killed her otherwise we would die...

I shivered. In a way we were condemning someone to death ourselves. I felt as though this thought would plague me.

"Well, well!" I gasped as Monokuma appeared among us. "Finally!"

"Finally?" Kyofu looked down at the bear. "Finally?!"

"Hey! I've come to give you all something. But if you're going to be like that..." The bear turned away.

"What is it?" Kena asked.

Monokuma raised his paws. "The Monokuma File!"

A very pale Kiyoshi looked around. "I don't see a file."

"On your e-handbooks!"

"Um," Kimiko spoke softly, "what is the Monokuma File?"

"It contains information about the victims death. If you want to find out what happened, you have to read it!"

"Information?" I said, but Monokuma was already gone.

I'd have to start there. And my was still in my house.

I rose to my feet unsteadily, water dripping from my clothes and hair. Mae and Saori looked at me with concern but I didn't stay for further discussions. I had focus on the Monokuma File instead of...instead of Hana.

I didn't look at anyone. I left them standing in discouragement and confusion but I hardly left those feelings behind. They followed me like dark shadows back to my house.

Like a bolt of lightning I remembered the rope in my hand and gazed down at it. It meant nothing now.

I fit the key into the lock and kicked open my door, trailing mud across the floor. When I entered the front room I realized I was shivering, water clinging to me relentlessly. Trying to ignore my shaking I set the rope on the table and snatched up my handbook, clicking on the blinking file.

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