Chapter Five: Hello Old Friends, We Meet Again

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When I finally made it back to my house I found myself sitting at the kitchen table. It was long past nightfall and I felt tiredness scratching at the back of my eyes but I was afraid to sleep. I didn't have nightmares all the time but I was frightened of dreaming about the memory, or the execution.

I never wanted to see anything remotely like those things ever again.

In a way, things were beginning to fall into place though. I just didn't want to pursue the thought of how we ended up here. Or who made us end up here.

I thought I had exhausted any chance of crying more tears but I felt some slip down my face anyway. I felt haunted. Like if I glanced over my shoulder I'd see the horrors of today just waiting for my attention.

I rested my face on the table, hair falling around it. Renji. Renji...he'd been my friend hadn't he? When he made me tea and preformed a little puppet show...when he asked if I was okay? More tears escaped my eyes. matter what happened before he was the one who put the weapon in my hand.

But why? Oh why? Oh why did he do it? He had a question?

I felt myself cringe. Even I had considered the possibility of being able to ask that question myself but I didn't know what to think of him. Not right now.

I felt my limbs sink with the heaviness of exhaustion. Slumping against the table I yawned past my tears. I should probably...go to bed...

*Ding dong. Bing bong.*

Another announcement.

Another day.

I lifted my head from the wooden table groaning, deeply regretting not falling asleep in my bed. My neck ached in three places but it was my own fault. Light peeked through the window beside my front door. It was definitely morning but what was there to do? Feeding myself would probably be a good idea but- 

"It might be an allergy."

Was it? Or had he been lying to me then? Or was it through guilt that Renji had been trying to help me?

I sighed. My stomach felt heavy anyway so I figured on sticking with something light. Popcorn maybe? It was my favorite snack.

I shook my head, trying to busy myself with thoughts of food wasn't working entirely. I could still remember the shaking I felt when the memory ended. The feeling of loss when that woman...Rika-

I stopped the thought quickly.

I rose from the table and tried to think of nothing. Nothing at all. Emptiness would be welcome in this environment. I jumped a little, suddenly remembering something. Hadn't I said I would wake someone up every morning?

I busied myself with thoughts of doing just that while I freshened up in the bathroom. Normal thoughts would help me ignore the other ones...

I left my house quickly, and blinked in the morning light. No one else was in immediate sight but I doubted anyone was asleep.

Making sure my door was locked I stepped out into the small street and turned left. Toshiro's house was right next to mine so it wasn't long before I stood in front of his door. I sighed rubbing my eyes and knocked lightly on the door. I found myself hoping that he'd already be up, I didn't feel like pounding on a door just at the moment.

Unfortunately there was no answer. Honestly just how heavily did this guy sleep? I knocked again, this time clear and loud. I waited but there was no response. I felt like rolling my eyes, and slammed my fist on the door again when- the resistance from the door vanished as my knock pushed it open.

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