Chapter Seven, Part Two: Sinking Hopes

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"What?" While I had managed to slow my body, my mind was unable to pause and set aside what I had just seen.

Kyofu had his arms crossed, a tired look on his face. "We're running out of time."

"Time?" What was he talking about?

The Rogue frowned and studied me as if he just noticed my presence. "Why were you running?"

It was there immediately. To get away from that place. That pristine, clean place that looked as though nothing terrible had happened inside. "The new building is the theatre where...where Saori was executed."

Shock appeared on his face. "What?!"

"Monokuma said something about it..." I couldn't quite remember.

"Son of a bitch." Kyofu cursed, he looked at the ground in thought but I had no indication as to what it could be. He looked back at me with sympathy before continuing. "I think we should get out of the open."

Open? I looked around, technically we were never- Oh. Right. The cameras. If I remembered correctly the only place that wasn't in view of the cameras was between Kimiko's and Haruko's houses.

"It is a bit chilly out here." I said, and it wasn't an exact lie. The swirling clouds outside the town looked thick with rain, creating a cold breeze that drifted over the town. Kyofu nodded in agreement and the two of us headed to the Artist's house.

If Monokuma was watching us at the moment, he either didn't care or was easily fooled in this way. But I had a stronger feeling that he wasn't focused on us.

Once we reached the small alleyway Kyofu removed the report from his sweater. "I thought it would be useless for me to keep looking at this, but after the trial..."

I narrowed my eyes in thought. "Did you remember something too?"

He gazed snapped to mine. "Too?"

I nodded. At first I wasn't going to tell anyone about why I probably passed out was time I pursued a way to figure everything out. "When I fell-" I paused. "Kyofu, don't tell Haruko any of this."

His face grew troubled. "I can't explain it Hon'yomi. I trust her."

I was quick to shake my head. "Instincts are telling me not to trust her." Glancing around to make sure we maintained privacy, I sighed. "Listen, never mind we'll talk about that later." My eyes hopefully carried the seriousness I was wishing to convey. "For now, don't bring this up to her?"

To my surprise Kyofu was quick to nod. "I won't."

"Thank you." Our shrinking time limit made my words fast. "It was vague, but I remembered saying to someone that I would find a way to remember. I think it was before our memories were taken."

The Rogue thought quickly. "That means our memories were taken for more than what Monokuma's been using them for." Kyofu mused. "If it was to erase bad memories only to return them, then why would you say you would find a way to remember regardless?"

"We were made to forget something important." I shook my head in shock. "Something even more important than our relationships with each other."

Kyofu grew ridged. "What would be more important than that?" He muttered quietly.

I felt like cringing. "I don't know." I tried to seek the positive. "But I'm sure I did find a way to remember, in fact that's what I was working on before...the theatre..." The wind rushed between the houses giving me goosebumps and crinkling the report in Kyofu's hands. "I'm sure I can remember..." Could that possibly be what that poem was that I kept remembering?

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