Chapter Six: Self Denial and Temperance

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It was only after I had exited the toxic house, hands covering my mouth, did I realize that I would need to go back in. The announcement bell sounded out of place in the black night. The sun hadn't even begun to rise, leaving one longing for sleep.

"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma's voice rang out."After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"

Another one. Already.

"Haruko is it true?" Kimiko asked, peering around the Seamstress. Haruko had followed me out, announcing that the one inside was Chikara. The twins stood next to each other both bleary eyed from sleep, but that didn't stop their shocked expressions.

Haruko nodded to them, a hard look on her face. "Yes." She glanced towards the Diner where Ryu and Kaz had taken Kyofu. "It's interesting..." She said. "Who did this..."

"We have to go in there don't we?" Akemi spoke fearfully. "If we want to find the evidence."

"Yes." I croaked, throat dry from the smoke.

"I'd rather not go in alone..." Kiyoshi made his way towards us from the street.

"We can go together." Kimiko spoke uncertainly, fidgeting with her long braid.

"Let's go." I glanced to my left. "Haruko?"

Her dark hair glinted purple when she shook her head. "I've already discovered the evidence here."


She began to walk away. "You'll find there's another place of interest."

"Why does she always do that?" Kiyoshi wondered.

"Let's just go." Akemi muttered.

By some unspoken agreement I lead the four of us towards the house. The smoke that had been escaping from the entrance earlier had almost completely dissipated. I was able to focus more on what was before me and stopped midstep, noticing something.

"What is it Hon'yomi?" Kimiko asked over my shoulder.

"Look at that." I pointed at the outer knob of Kyofu's front door. A small hard grey item was jammed into the lock.

Akemi came to my side. "What is it?!" She gazed closely at it.

"I can't be sure..." Something about it was familiar. "Kiyoshi? Any ideas?"

His large shape moved past us and knelt. "It looks like it's a piece of stone. Possibly chert."

"Chert?" I knelt beside the Inventor to get a better look.

"It's often used to make arrowheads." He said grimly.

Arrowheads. "Of course." That's why it appeared familiar. "It's from Chikara's necklace." Rising to my feet I wondered what it meant.

Kimiko widened her eyes. "I remember! He has that stone arrowhead." Frowning, Akemi nudged her and whispered something in her ear. The Artist's face fell. "Oh right...had..."

Eyeing the doorway for anymore clues, I stepped into the house. Hard as I tried, I couldn't bear to enter without covering my nose and I wasn't the only one. Both the twins and Kiyoshi followed suit with different shades of grimaces.

"This is terrible." I caught the words slip past Kiyoshi's hand. Akemi shook her head in agreement.

"He's over there." I sputtered, indicating to the fireplace.

Our group looked over the futon at the unrecognizable body. I didn't wish to see their reactions but I heard them regardless. "I wish I knew him better." Kimiko whispered in a weak voice as Akemi sniffled.

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