Chapter Six, Part Three: Self Denial and Temperance

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No blood coated the screen but it remained displaying Saori's body for an excruciating amount of time. Yet she wasn't the only one I saw. The longer I stared the more my memory recalled another bloody corpse. She looked so much like Rika had.

I collapsed unitentionally, my back slamming into the place that was once Saori's podium. Now it would only be a portraits.

No one came to inquire about me, the others were too busy dealing with what had just happened as well. If one could deal with it.

Some part of myself felt as though it had been emptied. On instinct my hands raised to sides of my face while I looked at the floor in shock. I felt that I was in a void. I was stuck in a place between screaming and crying at such a loss for what to do, that I could only sit in stunned silience, the tears from earlier drying on my face.

A loud noise sounded and the screen now exploded with pinks and purples.

Obtained Present: Rainbow Shoes!

The colors faded and two objects smacked onto the floor only a foot away from me. Just in looking at them my mind choose to abandon the terrifying calm and my eyes clouded with tears. I pushed away from the podium and crawled my way towards the shoes.

It was hard to see with tears blocking my vision but something gleamed and caught my attention. Finding a reason to frown with puzzlement I picked up the shinning object. A series of round crystals were linked together making an earring. At this realization I reached down, finding the other one as well.

"Well! Now that's over we can get on with other things!" Monokuma's voice shouted above my head.

"Wh-what other things?" Kaz asked weakly.

"I have another memory for you all!" He said with pleasure.

Ryu was fierce. "Another one?"

"Yes! So, Hon'yomi if you could hurry and get back to your spot." Monokuma commanded.

I didn't move. I remained staring at the earrings in one hand and shoes in the other.

"Hon'yomi." Toshiro spoke softly and came to my side. "You have to move." He said and hooked his arms under mine, rising me to my feet. "Can you stand?" He asked.

I'm not sure I fully understood what he said but I nodded and took a step away from him back to my podium. My hands clenched tightly around the "presents" I carried. I was unable to let them go until I made it back to my place where I set them down carefully.

“Let’s get on with it!” Before anyone else could question it, Monokuma smashed the second button that had sat waiting, making the podiums open, revealing a second vial.

“Why are you giving us another one?” Kiyoshi glanced between the vial and the bear anxiously.

"Why don't pigs fly when everyone always says they will?!" Monokuma shouted. "Drink it!" He showed off his claws threateningly.

"Come on Kiyoshi." Haruko said. "It appears we have no option once again." The Seamstress picked her vial up and eyed it cautiously.

Kiyoshi frowned but took his vial as well.

Another one. Another death? But why? Why? Why was any of this happening?

"Hon." My eyes fluttered trying to see past tears as I looked to Kena. "It will be fine." She insisted holding out her vial.

"You just can't give us a break, can you?" Toshiro muttered glaring at the tube in his hand.

I gazed solmnly at the vial waiting for me. It will be fine? How would it be fine? No doubt whatever we were to remember...would be terrible.

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