Chapter Ten, Part Four: Broken Promises and Memories

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The next thought I had was confusion as I tried to figure out why I was still thinking. 

The room was black and silent. The floor beneath my feet no longer glowed threateningly and there was no light from Monokuma's eye.

I opened my mouth to find out what the hell was going on but suddenly the walls lit up again. 

Plain weak white slowly slid over the walls and the lights that usually burned above us were out. Monokuma did not move.

Everyone looked around in confusion, probably thinking it was part of the execution but I was still here. Their eyes regarded me with shock.

"What's going on?" Kaz asked no one in particular. 

Toshiro was standing where I last saw him, lost in his own confusion. He spun on the bear, looking up at him. "What the hell are you doing?"

There was no response. 

"Damn bear! What the hell are you-"

"He's broken." Kena's voice captured everyone's attention. She was staring to my left where the elevator was and the doors were wide open.

Mae's voice trembled. "Broken?"

"No." Toshiro insisted. "Not possible."

"She's right." Kyofu said, turning around in place to look around the room. "The lights, the cameras and speakers. Everything is off."

Off? Broken? 

My heart skipped a beat. And then another. 

I gasped, holding my chest in shock. "B-broken?" Fearful I looked at the Rogue. "The machines are broken?"

He stared back at me with the same fearful hope and surprise. "Everything is turned off."

"Off." I repeated.

Curious, Kaz lifted one foot. Nothing happened. 

"Absolutely not." Toshiro hissed with hatred. "You're not getting out of this."

I raised my head as he reached behind him and pulled out something. 

I felt like laughing. Held in his hand was a gleaming silver gun.

The room gasped.

"I liberated it from his body." Toshiro told me, aiming it across the room at my chest. "You know, the one without the head."

Akemi shifted and his eyes snapped to her. "No one moves." He commanded.

I could see the desire to move in Kyofu too. "Don't do it." I said to him. "Don't try. We knew this was happening."

He grit his teeth. "Hon'yomi-"

I took a deep breath. I was calm. I didn't have to worry, fight or fear anymore. The thought of dying was terrifying but it was better in comparison to life in the town. To carrying the weight of what I had done. To bearing the looks the others gave me without trying to hide it.

My set of greenish blue eyes burst open at the words I heard.

"Goodbye, Hon'yomi."

Or rather, the farewell I heard.

I blinked once, mind raging for the waiting to be over. I found myself eager to come to an end after everything I had seen.

But then there was a blur, a flash of black flew over his eyes. The gun went off and I waited for the bullet to find me.

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