Chapter Seven, Part Three: Sinking Hopes

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We all stood around in shock gazing at Kaz and fearing the worst. Kena was the first to move and knelt next to the Climber, fearfully turning him over. I couldn't name the feeling that traveled through us all when his eyes opened a moment before rolling back into his head.

"Kaz!" Kena shouted.

Mae gasped. "He's alive?!" Our circle grew tighter as we edged closer to see.

"Move." Ryu pushed his way through and almost barreled into Kena, making her stand and move. The Hitman put his fingers to Kaz's neck and my eyes strayed to his bloodied shirt. It looked almost like he had been...

"Someone shot him." Kiyoshi breathed.

Ryu glanced at the wound with worry and in removing his suit jacket, he rolled up his sleeves and began putting pressure on Kaz's abdomen.

Kena's eyes flickered around between Kaz and the growing pool of blood. "What do we have to do?"

"We have to keep pressure on the wound, and patch him up."

"You mean sew." All our heads turned as Haruko entered the circle. She held a gleaming needle in hand and bore an unwavering look upon her face. "I'm going to sew him up."

Ryu appeared mystified. "Do you know how to do that?" His hands were quickly growing more red.

This was the first time I witnessed insult on the Seamstress's face. "I'm the Ultimate Seamstress." Haruko lowered herself next to Kaz. "I can sew anything. That doesn't limit me to clothing."

"You mean you can save him?" Kena asked eagerly, she leaned close to Haruko.

"Potentially." Haruko stated. She waited for Ryu to remove his hands and studied the wound.

Kiyoshi stepped forward. "Is there anything I can do? Or make?" He widened his eyes. "I can make something to help!"

"Y-yes." Akemi said. "What can we do to help?"

Haruko began opening a pouch on her belt. "Toshiro." She carefully fished out what appeared to be a key. "Go to my house and get the sheets from my living room, take Kena with you. Tear them into strips to be used for bandages. We'll be there shortly." She held out the key, letting it fall into the Actors hand.

Some unspoken agreement passed between Ryu and Haruko next, for the Hitman stood suddenly. "Kiyoshi, Kyofu. We're moving Kaz. We're going to need a something fla-"

"Got it." Kyofu said immediately. "Kiyoshi, the Arcade. I'll need your help." Together they dashed off towards the building.

Akemi inched closer to Haruko. "What can I-"

"You're with me." Haruko said and gabbed her hands, pushing them onto Kaz's wound. Akemi widened her eyes for a moment in surprise but it was swiftly buried by determination and she nodded solemnly.

Kimiko frowned and spoke up. "Let me help instead. I can go." She moved as if to take Akemi's place but Haruko shook her head.

"Your sister is already helping. I cannot change that now." Haruko looked up at the three of us who remained without a job. "Find out exactly what happened. Ask for Monokuma if you have to. We don't need a repeat of something like this."

Something like this? Mae and I nodded but Kimiko stood silently.

"Here." Kiyoshi and Kyofu returned with half a ping pong table in hand. They knelt beside the Climber and prepared to have him lifted onto it.

Ryu nodded to Haruko and the two positioned themselves at either end of Kaz. "We lift on three." Ryu commanded, while Akemi kept a focused face, her hands firmly placed on Kaz.

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