Chapter Ten, Part Three: Broken Promises and Memories

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The room was completely silent. Each pair of eyes; brown, blue, or otherwise were glued to the instrument Haruko had just produced as if it had come from nowhere.

Kyofu spun to face her. "What the hell are you doing?" His hands were clenched tightly into fists and his eyes were fuming.

She only moved her eyes to look at him, keeping her body faced towards Toshiro. "What I should have done."

Kyofu took a step towards her. "I'm the Liar."

"You're a liar Kyofu, but you're not the Liar." Toshiro interrupted easily. He didn't seem surprised by the dagger buried deep into the wood that stood between himself and Haruko. 

"Stop lying for me Kyofu. I don't want you to do that anymore." She shivered, ever so slightly. "You've done it so much already." Her words were soft. 

Haruko Arakawa wasn't soft

I felt like I was a spectator. An audience watching from the outside something that I couldn't understand even though I was really on the inside. I couldn't comprehend it fully. It was like they were speaking a foreign language. I was in shock by what I was seeing and hearing.

"Haruko don't be stupid! This is all-"

She finally turned towards him, her dark eyes blazing. "You have no idea what's going on here Kyofu. I am not being stupid. At this point I have no choice!" Her gaze was bitter and pained.

Kaz flinched at her final sentence, his bright head swiveling between them; back and forth, back and forth.

"Killer..." Kena breathed reminding the rest of us as she spoke that we too had voices. She stared at Haruko. "A killer all along..."

"You see what I mean?!" Kyofu shouted but Haruko didn't seem to care and I finally understood. Liar. Killer.

'Tell us Kyofu...'

It wasn't him. It was her. And he had known about it.


A liar.

A killer? Who then, had she killed?

My eyes flashed to the spotless dagger as if it could give me an answer.

"What is going on?" Kaz asked, caught between the both of them. 

"I'm all about to tell you the truth." Haruko replied, ignoring Kyofu's further protests. "That I am the Liar and I am not the Ultimate Seamstress."

Instead of questions there was just silence. Shocked silence.

What is more revealing of a person?
Their truths or their lies?

We were about to find out.

"I am and always have been the Super High School Level Ninja." Haruko spoke quickly as if she had little time to say anything. 

Her words felt familiar and her words made me angry- angrier than expected and I didn't quite understand why. 

"I have always kept this a secret." She said, meeting everyone's eyes at some point as she spoke. "The group that trained me insisted that it would never be known outside specific individuals. I've called myself the Ultimate Seamstress to do so and keep my vow to them."

I could feel that what Haruko was saying was the truth because it made more sense to me. How unfeeling she could be, how silent her steps were. How she seemed to regard death and killing so differently than the rest of us.

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