Chapter Four, Part Three: Forgotten Despair and Rewarding Answers

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Blood was splayed across the screen. It left no inch unmarked. The image didn't fade right away, allowing us watch the trails of red slide down the lens. Then all at once the camera fell to static leaving us in momentary darkness. No one said anything as the lights fell, but when they rose again so did our voices. Our real voices.

"R-Renji..." Saori gazed at the screen with horror. "Oh fuck..." The Singer shook her head, wiping tears from her cheeks.

Beside me Kiyoshi sniffed loudly, trying to muffle his tears.

Loud sobs from my right joined in the chaos of cries and tearful exclamations that rushed around the room.

I felt sick but it was a different kind of sickness than before. He stole our voices. He-he stole our words! I slammed my fist on the podium. "M-Monokuma..." I grit my teeth, tasting the salt from my tears. I couldn't- I didn't- how could this have happened?! I closed my eyes tightly and a vicious realization slammed into my mind. "God..." I could barely breathe. "We...we k-killed him." Raising my tear-filled eyes I looked at the bear with hatred. "Monokuma."

For once he didn't burst into our reaction with a snide or sarcastic remark. It was like he was waiting for something.

A loud beep echoed throughout the room and the screen lit up again. It shimmered with shades of blues and greens, displaying an object.

Obtained Present: Pierre!

Something fell from the ceiling landing in front of Monokuma. I managed to have enough wits about myself to peer around the people who stood nearby the object. A small stuffed bunny, light pink in color laid on the floor. Something silver gleamed around it's neck- a locket of some sort but that was all.

The screen faded to darkness again.

I realized in the next moment Kyofu had bent down and picked up the stuffed animal from where it landed at his feet. Both Toshiro and Ryu blinked as if remembering to watch him suddenly but Kyofu didn't react. He didn't even appear to have looked at the bunny. He just held it tightly and stared at the painted walls, silent tears drifting down his cheeks.

I found it hard to understand. I didn't know why -out of all of us- Kyofu was so...heartbroken. I felt the shared horror and sadness swirling in the room but Kyofu was his own element of sorrow. Just what had I failed to notice?

"Before you all go," Monokuma announced. "I have one more thing for you all- if you remember." He grinned at his own joke.

"Remember!" Chikara glared at him.

"The memories." Kena breathed numbly.

Saori shook her head. "C-can't you give us a moment!?"

The bear grumbled. "Give you a moment?! Give you a moment?! I've been patient enough with you all! You don't get your moment!"

Of course we didn't. We never got anything good from this bear, despite the fact that half of his body appeared to be good. It was just a cruel misnomer.

Ryu looked up at him. "You're really going to give us our memories back?"

Monokuma glowered. "Of course not! I'm just going to give you a memory back."

"Just one?" I mumbled.

"How is that possible?" Kena asked.

"Don't worry about how." The bear said. "Just know that it is possible."

The arm of his chair slid open then, revealing another button. I held my breath afraid of what this one would do. "Ehem! This is an announcement." It sounded as though his voice grew ten times louder. "You will now return to your places and drink the solution at your podium!"

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