Chapter 22

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I felt butterflies. 

It was unusual, but they erupted just as I twirled around and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I'd done my make up myself for the first time. The look was chic. I wore a burgundy and black coat and some boots from H&M. Casual and exactly my style. 

Scott had texted me on Thursday morning saying he was flying back on Friday from Houston where he had been all week, and would freshen up on the plane so he would come calling at the door for his date. I caught myself smiling at this enactment of a date.  It was silly. We were living together, going on a date and then ending the relationship and I was feeling giddy. Hormones!

My phone rang as I set my lip gloss in my bag. 

"Hi Rach. I'm outside." 

"Hi.Okay, I'm coming." I chimed as I pressed a hand over my burgundy and leather coat. 

I descended the stairs two at a time, passing Luther who shot me a wink. I smiled as I threw open the door. 

Scott was leaning against a black escalade at the top of the drive way, dawned in leather coat over a white polo neck and his signature white sneakers. I gulped and reminded myself there was nothing between us.

I didn't resist hugging him as a greeting. He pecked my cheek - which I quickly attributed to a force of habit, and jumped into the passenger side.

"Downgrading from a sport's car?" I chuckled as we set off. 

"Yeah. I didn't want to show up with a flashy car." Scott teased, " it sets the wrong impression of me on a first date." 

We looked at each other then burst out laughing. Though an escalade was flashy in many ways, it was toned down compared to Scott's collection of sports cars - which - had this been my first time meeting him with one o f them, I would've rolled my eyes and dismissed him as too egotistical. He was making an effort to impress me which I appreciated.

John Legend's "Tonight" played on  the system as we cruised to down town. We ended up in a parking lot with a building that looked like a warehouse stood. 

"Where are we?"

Scott winked before getting out and coming around to open for me. He took my hand and held on to it as we headed to the entrance which held a bouncer and a movie-type ticket booth.

"Tyrese." Scott greeted the bouncer.

"Yo Scott. You made it. Lady Lala just stepped inside. Go ahead, I will text her that you're here."

My eyebrow itched to rise with curiosity at the exchange. where were we? 

Scott pulled me to his side as we entered the building which lead into an elevator. I enjoyed his hand at my back and as I inhaled his cologne I felt light-headed. I was in trouble. We were lowered underground, and it opened to a spacious well-lit restaurant with a stage at the front. The tables had groups and couples scattered around. Laughter and music mingled in the warm setting.

"Hi Scott, Rachel." a woman in a pant suite called out. I presumed she was Lady Lala. She came forward and grinned, "come with me."

We were led to a booth just at the edge of the stage. 

I looked around at the black and white framed pictures on the walls showing speakeasies, and people from the seventies. There was one of Scott's grandfather. My eyebrows shot up.

"My granddad brought me here when I was sixteen." Scott spoke as he accepted the menu.

I was about to speak when the music suddenly died and a round of applause resounded as a guy stepped on to the stage and took the microphone.
"Welcome everybody to Da Spott. Tonight we have lined up some of our hottest acts..."

As the guy ranted on my excitement grew, did he say Kevin Hart? It was a comedy and jazz club. I couldn't believe I had never heard of it, or Sarah hadn't told me about it. It seemed super exclusive. I shook my head and gave Scott a knowing look. He leaned back as he watched me fidget with excitement. Not a moment too soon, our food was brought to our table and some well known comedians took the stage. I was in a fit of laughter and tears an hour later. Scott laughed too. Wholeheartedly at times and it sounded like music to my ears. He needed to laugh more. It made him a hell-of-a-lot sexier. 

That sudden thought had me glance down at my half-uneaten meal and pretend it was interesting. Why was I suddenly recalling what I loved about Scott. Wait, Did I say love? 

"Hey." Scott had leaned forward and cupped m cheek, "where'd you go?"

Our eyes met just in time for me to cloud over my thoughts. 

"I was just thinking. This is the best date I've ever been on." 

Scott grinned. Another man came on stage just then and thanked everyone for coming out, he looked at our table - " And thanks to Scotty D for keeping our doors open in this exclusive spot."

Scott groaned inwardly knowing he had been caught out.

"You own this place?" I gasped. 

" Yes. I bought a share with my first bonus and well - eventually worked up to owning it. No one really knows about it." he said sheepishly.

I nodded slowly. I was humbled that he had shown me a place he hid from so many people. I was hoping tonight I would show him not everyone wanted a piece of him, but instead he had shown me a piece of him no one was even aware of.  Why?

"I'm really happy you brought me here. It's really amazing." I murmured.

 He nodded and we turned back to enjoying the night. 

After dinner and a little dancing at the comedy club, Scott took me for a walk around the area. It was lit with cigar bars, and bistros. It was a pleasant undiscovered part of town - which had been regenerated through a Green fund. 

As we got in to the car and drove off, I realized we hadn't had paparazzi pop out at us. They probably didn't know the car or think a Dainway would venture through that part of town. I was grateful for that. It made the date more authentic. 

In no time, we pulled up in front of the house.

"So.." he said turning to me.

"So.." I giggled.

I could sense we were both buzzing with attraction.

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked pretending as best I could that it was an innocent question.

Scott regarded me slowly.

"Sure." he said. We jumped out and walked in to the house. 

"What would you like to drink?" 

We settled for some hot chocolate with marsh mellows and took a seat in the lounge. We removed our shoes and socks and shared a blanket to settle down as Scott put on a movie. The mood was warm and peaceful, a couple comfortable in each other's company, and in no time I dozed off on to Scott's shoulder. He pulled me closer into his arms and pecked my cheek, and at the same time I realized, after everything, I didn't know if I could let him go. 

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