Chapter 8

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The next week back at work - which I took off sick some of it so I could muster the courage to face Scott - I stood with the others at the office party as Gregory Lucas stood in front of the room holding some champagne.

"Whilst we are celebrating the end of this financial year. We have one announcement that is bitter sweet." He Paused, "Scott has taken the position as CEO for Dainway Industries and starts in a few weeks. Whilst we have been privileged to have him serve as part of the team and are sad to lose him, we are happy that he will go on representing part of our company as he goes forth to forge a legacy in the company which his grandfather founded."

Everyone started applauding. I couldn't lift my hands. Lucy nudged me to bring me out of shock. "Wow! He is really making waves" she said excitedly.

"He better be ready to hire some of us over there!" Josh said.

I just nodded dumbfounded. It all made sense. His trips, closing off projects. The countries he mentioned were where the board members of our company sat, and he had been visiting them probably to pass his regards and say goodbye. And he hadn't told me. Not that he had to but..I felt a little sick.

"I'm not feeling well." I muttered putting my glass down.

"You look a little ashane. Are you ok? Is what you were sick with crawling up again?" Lucy asked worriedly.

"No. Yes. I will be fine. Let me just go." I said, feeling confused.

I turned and walked as slowly as I could out of the party. Why was I feeling this way?

"Rachel" I heard someone call. That voice. I had dreaded this. I didn't turn around. I felt Scott's hand hold my arm and pull me into a conference room.

"Are you leaving?" he said looking me in the eye.

I now felt like I hated him. He used me.

"It's not your concern." I said evenly putting my chin up and folding my arms.

"Well I am concerned. Look about Miami -"

"Don't bother. It's been almost a week. I get it. You got me and you used me."

Scott frowned. "Is that what you think?"

"What am I supposed to think?" I sighed,

"That I tried to stay away from you as one of the employees. That I think you are beautiful. And that if we are talking about using people, we used each other."

I was stunned. Did he really think I was beautiful. I snorted at feeling my heart lift at that. He hadn't actually said it meant something to him. That would've been different.

"I expected you would at least call me and have us talk Scott. Treat me like I wasn't just...I expected -'" I stopped myself before I revealed what I really wanted. I expected him to want us to be together or at least try. I thought we had great chemistry.

Scott frowned and clenched his fists. "What did you expect?"

I shook my head. "I don't know" I mumbled looking down like a guilty school girl. I expected more. How silly of me. Hadn't I learnt my lesson?

"Rachel." My head snapped up and our gazes met. "I don't want you to think there can be more. I've already made a mistake and you need to move on."

I was being dumped again. Technically he was never mine to begin with. But I still felt the rejection seep into my veins. He had called it a mistake. His mistake.

"Who said anything about wanting more?" I bit back, feeling the walls of my spirit come up, as my heart's walls crumbled. I wasn't going to take this going down. Not again.

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