Chapter 6

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On Saturday I went to see my mother and apologized. She was very understanding, and for that I was relieved. Mothers are truly the best.

Sunday afternoon I made it early to the office where a coach waited outside for the team. I dropped my bags inside, and went upstairs to work on a few reports. I lost track of time until Lucy called my cellphone and asked if I was coming.

"Shit!" I dashed out and made it just as the last person filed into the coach. I looked down the aisle and right next to where I had put my jacket sat Scott. He was reading emails off his i-pad. He looked good in a white polo shirt and jeans. Were there any clothes he didn't look good in? I was slightly relieved that I had scolded myself enough over the weekend that I was on top of my attraction. He was my boss and I didn't need drama from a taken man.

I sat down and immediately I could smell that cologne that made my senses summersault.

"Hello Rachel. How was your weekend?" He said not looking up.

"Fine. Great actually." I smiled thinking of my mom and lifting a bottle of water to my lips.

"I take it Chad was good company?" He muttered looking at me. Our heads were so close I could see pricks of a beard from his not shaving this morning.

I almost choked on the water I had sipped. He was asking if I had gotten it on with Chad. I wanted to tell him it was none of his business but found myself responding otherwise.

"At the party, yes. He left with my friend at the end of the night. My weekend company was my mom. And you? I never did get introduced to your girlfriend."

Scott smirked "I spent the weekend working. No one kept me company."

Was he stating a fact or re-assuring me just as I had done him? Lucy had said it was the woman in his life but he had ignored that part of my question. I felt a little uncomfortable staying on the subject, so I asked him about what college was like with Chad.

An hour later I found myself laughing at Scott's stories. He never laughed with me though his tone remained serious, I could hear the humour behind it. And when he did chuckle my heart skipped a beat. I was really enjoying talking to him. It felt like I had found a friend as I became more comfortable. I put my hand through my hair, and looked to the side to find a few ladies looking back and glaring at me. I ignored them.

"So I learnt my lesson to stay off campus during initiation week." He concluded.

"I wish I could have seen that. My college was far less interesting. I didn't have much time for societies and debutant-drama."

"Well now as you work, there isn't much time for anything." He said with a far-away look in his eyes. His mouth thinned.

I sighed as I nodded in silent agreement.

"I like you Rachel." He said, " I'm glad I've gotten to know a little. Most people in this firm are too scared these little chats will come up in their performance evaluation"

I blushed. I wasn't going to admit that I liked him too so I just took the easy way out,

"My old company was rather small. It felt like family so we all knew each other very well."

He nodded and took out his i-pad again. I turned and looked forward suddenly missing the feeling of our shoulders brushing and his breath fanning my face when he had spoken. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes suddenly feeling relaxed and a little tired. I decided to nap.

"We're here!" the conductor announced.

My eyes flickered open, and I jumped up, realizing when I'd fallen asleep I'd shifted my head onto Scott's shoulder. I looked at him with an "O" expression dying a thousand deaths. The people across from me were luckily engrossed in a movie on the screens in front of them and hadn't noticed, but Scott looked back at me and he knew...and let me. Why?

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