Chapter 27

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Three weeks had passed and everything had seemingly returned to normal. I had returned to work and been grateful to Patrick who immediately placed me on a team with only men who didn't gossip. Within 2 weeks the firing of one of the assistants for over spending her company card headlined and everyone forgot about me. It also helped that there were no news reports on Scott. I itched to contact him but I wasn't sure I wanted back in to another whirlwind.

My mother had joined Diane on the cruise and returned the day I was flying to Miami for a wedding party weekend planned by Sarah and Chad.  We met at the coffee shop at the airport.  She looked tanned and refreshed.
"How was it?"
My mom was estatic as she told of everything that they had explored. I was so happy for her.
"How are the Dainways?"  I asked.
"They are healing.  It did them good. Scott joined us for a week."
I perked up at the sound of that, my mom didn't miss my reaction, "you still love him?"
I looked away refusing to get in to it. She wouldn't understand and more than that I had lied enough as it is.
My mom read my hesitation and sighed. "He still loves you too. Don't fight so hard to be alone."
Pam chose to show up then and we quickly got up and said our goodbyes.

Pam had been away and quickly caught me up on all her adventures. It felt so good to just concentrate on something else.

On landing Sarah was waiting and we screamed like children as we hugged.  Sarah's younger sister and cousin whom I never did get along with were already waiting in the limo. They had landed a half an hour ago and I could see her cousin Courtney had gotten bored and started drinking.

We got to the mansion to find a line of sports cars outside the front. I rolled my eyes, obviously the groomsmen had arrived and were all high rollers.

I wasn't proved wrong when we found them in the main lounge drinking and chatting. One of them was a famous rapper I literally heard Sarah's little sister Rebecca swoon. The other was Chad's older brother I recognized from his birthday and media as a club promoter, and the last one was Chad's business partner.

"Lets turn down the volume and get everyone introduced shall we." Sarah said to Chad,  who took her in his arms and kissed her before nodding.

Just as she said that Scott appeared from down the left hallway. My breath hitched. I looked away hoping I was dreaming but when I looked again our eyes met. My heart faltered. He looked ravishing in a navy blue golf shirt that shaped his torso and white board shorts. Neither of us smiled. We just starred until Sarah called my name.

We got distracted with introductions and the weekend itinerary briefing. As soon as the music got turned up and Sarah headed to the kitchen to check on dinner I rushed to corner her.

"Why didn't you tell me that my ex-fiance is in your wedding party?!" I whispered harshly.
Sarah seemed taken aback at my outburst and started stuttering.

"I- I didn't know. My mom has been begging Chad for my cousin to be part of the wedding party and for that I needed Chad to find a pair for her. He only told me he found someone this morning and I would be happy with his choice..."

My heart sank. Scott was here to stay. Seeing my uneasiness Sarah sighed.

"You guys belong together. He gave you an apartment and you parted for stupid reasons. Take it as fate."

I scoffed. Fate! It had twice ended me up in heartbreak.  I released Sarah and contemplated going to my room to escape Scott but realised dinner was in a bit and I didn't know which room I had been allocated.

I headed back to the room to find the group doing a round of shots. Courtney was touching Scott's arm and flipping her hair and it caused something primal to stir up in me. Jealousy. I tasted it on my tongue. I dragged myself toward the group. I needed to face them, I needed to face him. I needed to remember he wasn't mine anymore.

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