Chapter 26

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I woke up to find Scott gone and wondered how long I had been asleep. When I checked my phone it was close to midday. I groaned. I needed to get a job or my job back because I was starting to feel lazy, despite me spending time at the home gym a lot.

I felt stiff and sore from having fought off Bradley. My heart palpitated recalling the night before. I felt a little fear creep in as I opened the door seeking to leave Scott's room.

I got a shock as one of the guards I know who walks in the grounds at night was standing at its side in an alert mode.

"Good morning m'am." He said and resumed looking ahead down the hallway.

I stuttered before greeting him back. I made my way to my room to freshen up as I contemplated sending Scott a message about his extremities. Guards inside the house? My thoughts went out the window when I found my room was empty. Bare of its contents.

I came out and made my way down to the kitchen where I saw Larry.

"Is he here?" I asked.

"No. But he asked me to tell you that when you are ready I must take you to an apartment he has prepared for you in the city."


"Yes m'am."

I felt like I had been slapped in the face. He was really ending it as he had promised. The news had reported our postponement and he hadn't waited until the ink had dried before discarding me.

I remembered his words. He had wanted to make sure I was safe.

Gabriela interrupted my thoughts by telling me a surprise was waiting for me in the dining area.

It turned out to be Whiskers who had been staying with my cousin who was a Vet.

"Whiskers!" I cried not realizing tears had filled my eyes, "you are the only one who never wants to leave me." I ruffled his hair and set him down.

Gabriela had organized some toiletries and an outfit in Scott's room and I got ready there.

I tried not to let me eyes wonder at things I felt I should take in as I would never see them again.

It was not too long before Larry and I set off to the apartment with whiskers. Looking out the window I thought of the roller coaster of emotions and drama since meeting Scott. We passed a park where children were kicking around a ball. Shakespeare once wrote " the world is a stage, and all the players are fools." I wondered if I had been a fool to feel too much and too soon for a man who was so high profile and so complicated. Who admitted to want me, then turn around and tell me he had chosen not to be with me.

I sighed just as we pulled up. Larry gave me a card and told me I would be safe to go in and up to the top floor on my own.

I wondered as I rode up the lift how much rent I would have to pay for the place. I appreciated the security and private elevator to the top but it was too much for me and whiskers.

As we stepped out, I found a body guard at the door who greeted me by name. The door was open and I cautiously stepped inside.

I couldn't stop the intake of breath in awe of what I saw before me. It was a massive space. It was so close to my taste I felt I had designed it. But it had expensive finishes and materials.

"I take it you like it?"
I swerved around to find Scott there dressed in a canali designed suit.

"Its too big for just me. I don't know if I can afford the rent and maintenance."

I gazed at the outside balcony that had a garden. Whiskers had already jumped out of my arms and raced to play amongst the plants.

"I own it. You don't have to worry about paying anything for it."

I frowned. "Why?"

Scott looked at me intensely.

"I told you Rach. I would look after you and protect you. Please accept this gesture. It comes conditionally."

I bit my bottom lip in thought and I saw his eyes flicker on them before continuing to look at me.

"What's the condition?" my voice came out soft and almost like a purr.

Scott paused before looking to the side. "I got you your job back. And if you don't want it, something has opened up at one of Dainway's subsidiary's on similar project work. You take this place, you get your job back."

What he said was so unexpected, and so left field what I was thinking I was speechless for a second.

"I think I'll take my job back. I don't know if Nadia in HR will allow it but I earned that role so I'd rather take it."

"Ok. Done. Don't worry about HR. I already met with them."

There was silence after that. We starred at each other. Words unspoken. Hearts constricted.

Scott cleared his throat before stepping forward and taking my hands in his. "I just wanted to be here when you arrived so you didn't think I sent you away. It really is a gift to you and I owe you a fresh start. You were amazing. Thank you for being there there for me when Granddad passed. For putting your life on hold to be my fiance, and being on my side with regards to the Hannah issue. And for standing up again after we lost our baby. You really are an amazing woman Rachel Paul. I'll miss you."

I had already cried once but hearing what seemed like his farewell speech had me tearing up. Scott pecked my cheek and headed out. I didn't dare turn back toward him.

It was right that this was over right? It was inevitable. A fake marriage, a fake fiance, and undeclared love never got anyone far. My head told me that much but thinking over every single thing Scott and I had shared my heart said something differently. Whiskers came and stood in front of me looking up with concern. He whimpered and I smiled sadly at him.

"Yes whiskers. It's just you and me now. He is gone."

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